For those who don’t watch the news but may have stumbled on this article, I’m going to do a summer recap — kind of like a movie review. Grab a seat and some popcorn — and maybe some Goody’s Headache Powder.

The summer kicked off with President Biden accepting an early debate with former President Trump. Biden’s cognition and ability to serve another term as leader of the free world was in question, and Biden obviously hoped this debate would clear up any questions regarding his mental fitness.

It did.

A few weeks later, Biden allegedly decided not to run for a second term. Any person with brain activity knows it was decided for him.

Shortly after that, Trump held a campaign rally in Butler, Penn., where a young man tried to assassinate him. The bullet came so close to Trump that it grazed his ear. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned shortly after a congressional hearing where she evaded questions and gave bizarre answers such as the one where she said the roof was too sloped for the Secret Service to be on. What roofs aren’t sloped? Asking for a friend…

Within days, the Democrat party, and supposedly Biden, began to throw their support behind Vice President Kamala Harris as the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee. Granted, not one Democrat delegate had voted for her. So, in essence, she was installed. Of course she was! This is not the way a Constitutional Republic runs elections. There are still a few of us silly Americans who care about that.

We have also seen that when the United States is weak, her allies become targets – especially Israel. Hated by Muslim countries, just for existing, Israel has been under siege since October 2023. On July 27, 2024, Iranian-made rockets fired from Lebanon hit an Israeli soccer field in the Golan Heights, tragically killing 12 children. The terrorist group Hezbollah was allegedly the culprit. This is unequivocal evil.

This past Monday, global markets melted down. Watching a portion of our 401(k) go up in smoke was reminiscent of an old Cheech and Chong movie (Gen X, you may have to explain this to younger readers). It appears to have been a correction, but where there is one correction, more usually follow. The probability of my husband and I working until we drop dead was not on our August bingo card.

So, back to the beginning — why we can’t have nice things. Because liberal policies.

Liberal policies kill nations. Liberal policies destroy civilizations. Liberal policies take away incentives to strive to be excellent — or even decent. The liberal policies of the past four years have come home to roost not only in America but in other parts of the globe.

How did I come to this conclusion? Facts. Look at our porous border. I’ve written it before, but it bears repeating. We DON’T KNOW who is here. Terrorists have crossed into America due to the Biden/Harris lawless policies. Criminals are here. They are killing children, college students, and, most recently, an elderly woman who was carjacked. Kamala Harris owes a heartfelt apology to Laken Riley’s parents – and they’ll NEVER get it.

Look at recent examples of Great Britain on Elon Musk’s Twitter/X platform. Mainstream media won’t broadcast it, but illegal migrants are burning London and invading pubs in Birmingham, England, and other cities, attacking British citizens. Great Britain has allowed this and it’s coming to a city near you soon if liberal policies win in November.

Look at our inner cities. Philadelphia, San Diego, New York, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, BIRMINGHAM and Kamala Harris’ own San Francisco — full of criminals, drug users, homeless people and people caught in cycles of poverty due to liberal policies. Don’t forget about the innocent children and unsuspecting teens gunned down on the streets when the gangs decide to go after each other. Our urban areas have become kill boxes because Democrat lawmakers refuse to prosecute criminals.

Economics. Liberal fiscal policies are hurting middle-class America, and poor people are genuinely suffering. I work in a diverse school district. It contains very affluent families, as well as families who are struggling to make ends meet. It’s very easy to vote any-ol’-way you want when you’re living in an affluent socio-economic bubble. But when you see a child wear the same unwashed clothes for three days straight and they have a kind-hearted teacher who tells them to change clothes (provided by the school, from the nurse’s office) so someone can wash that outfit, you see how inflation is devastating families.

So, when you ponder the upcoming election, instead of perseverating on personalities, consider policies. We are down to gut-level questions. What policies will keep food on our tables for the next four years? What policies will keep our sons and daughters safe? What policies will help urban cities become safe and provide opportunities for people to get out of these cycles of poverty? What policies will make America strong and benefit our global allies?

If we want America to return to a time where “nice things” like reasonably priced groceries, buying a home, and purchasing an affordable vehicle are part of American life, we can no longer afford liberal policies. If you think I’m wrong, just ask Venezuela.

Kristin Landers is a substitute teacher and freelance writer. Landers’ previous work includes serving as Communications Director for the Alabama Policy Institute and working for Citizens Against a Legalized Lottery (CALL) to defeat legalized gambling in the state of Alabama.

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