A group of Tarrant residents recently filed a petition to impeach Mayor Wayman Newton for alleged "willful neglect of duty, corruption in office and incompetency or intemperance in the use of intoxicating liquors or narcotics." However, Newton said the claims were copied from another city and had nothing to do with Tarrant or his actions as mayor.

The petition accused Newton of overspending money and deteriorating the city's finances. It said he failed to pay utility bills and caused the sewer system to be foreclosed.

"The mayor, in his official capacity, used a city-issued credit card for unauthorized personal purchases and incurred debt the city was required to pay to maintain credit standing," the complaint states.

Newton has also been accused of paying family members, canceling council meetings without proper notice, interfering with police business, and conducting business and making decisions without city council approval.

The informants also stated that Newton made false statements to the Alabama Attorney General, leading to frivolous lawsuits against the city.

"In his conduct as Mayor of the City of Tarrant, Alabama, Wayman Newton has displayed a level of incompetence that is detrimental to the city and its ability to grow and thrive," the complaint continued.

Tuesday, Newton held a press conference outside of City Hall that was streamed live on the city's Facebook page. He denied all the claims and said the complaint was "copied and pasted" from a lawsuit in another city. He said the city does not have its own sewer system, and the claims were an attack on him.

"Let me be clear. I don't have, nor have I ever had a city-issued credit card," said Newton. "There's also an accusation that I own a company called Covenant Benefit Group LLC and that I need city resources to promote this business."

"The reality is, I don't own that company," he said.

Former Lake View Mayor Paul Calhoun owns Covenant Benefit Group. An impeachment petition against Calhoun filed in 2019 stated, "The mayor, in his official capacity, willfully and intentionally converted City funds, equipment, property, supplies and employees under his discretion and control to solicit business for his company, Covenant Benefit Group, LLC."

The original complaint against Newton stated the same, although an amended complaint removed the business name. Newton owns several businesses, but the amended complaint did not name which business the petition was referring to.

Amended petition for impeachment by Erica Thomas on Scribd

"This isn't just an attack on me. It's a deliberate attempt to mislead the people of this city and to detract us from the real issues we face," Newton said. "The council seems more interested in playing political games than in working to improve the city."

During the press conference, someone chanted, "Newton must go."

Newton claimed it was a former employee of Tarrant who was fired.

"And it's my understanding that the reason why he's doing that is because he's going to serve as the campaign manager for one of the council members who's going to run," he said. "And it's also my understanding that he has been promised his old job then."

Newton said he would fight false claims against his character with his own funds and vowed to continue restoring the public trust.

To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email erica.thomas@1819news.com.

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