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Rise to the Moment of Truth Friday, July 26, 2024


Von Braun Alabama News
Jim Zeigler: 'The German Wife' dramatizes the start of Huntsville's rocket program

What a change in lives: going from building V-2 rockets for Nazi Germany to developing the U.S. space program.

Trump and Mike Rogers Alabama News
Report: Alabama congressional delegation not giving up the fight on Space Command HQ; Decision could involve Trump

U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Saks) is vowing to use the next defense policy bill to move Space Command to Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville. President Joe Biden had reversed the Trump administration's decision to locate it at Redstone in favor of Colorado Springs, Co.

Mike Rogers Alabama News
'Political gamesmanship': U.S. Rep. Rogers slams SPACECOM General Dickinson for declaring agency 'fully operational' in Colorado

The battle for the permanent U.S. Space Command (SPACECOM) headquarters has been ongoing since 2019. Redstone Arsenal, in Huntsville, was ranked first among the many states who bid for the honor and was set to be the headquarters' new home until the Biden administration reversed the Trump-era decision in favor of sixth-ranked Colorado.

U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers Alabama News
Alabama congressional delegation grills federal officials over Space Command decision — 'The Biden Administration has chosen to play politics with our national security'

On Thursday, Alabama congressmen grilled U.S. officials over the Biden administration’s decision to make Colorado Springs the permanent location of U.S. Space Command instead of Huntsville.

Barrymoore1 Alabama News
U.S. Rep. Moore on Space Command decision: ‘They’ve picked a fight with the wrong people’

The Alabama congressional delegation and House Republicans will attempt to block funding from going to any permanent Space Command headquarters facility in Colorado, according to U.S. Rep. Barry Moore (R-Enterprise).

Steve Marshall Alabama News
AG Marshall: Space Command HQ reversal a 'politically motivated charade'

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall sent a letter on Thursday to the U.S. Department of Defense’s Inspector General demanding an investigation into the sudden reversal of the decision to locate U.S. Space Command headquarters from Huntsville to Colorado. 

Katie Britt Alabama News
Britt confident Space Command HQ will move to Huntsville — 'The fight is not over'

Despite the Biden administration’s recent decision, U.S. Sen. Katie Britt (R-Montgomery) said she’s confident U.S. Space Command will ultimately find its permanent home in Alabama instead of Colorado.

Rick Bubba Alabama News
Rick & Bubba: Biden reversing Space Command decision about keeping Tuberville 'in line'

Wednesday, Rick Burgess and Bill "Bubba" Bussey of the "Rick & Bubba Show" railed against the Biden administration’s decision to make Colorado the permanent home of U.S. Space Command over Huntsville.

Dale Strong Alabama News
U.S. Rep. Strong on Space Command HQ decision: 'We've got an investigation staring us right at 12 o'clock'

As the fallout from the Biden administration's decision for the Space Command headquarters to remain in Colorado as opposed to moving to Madison County's Redstone Arsenal lingers, Alabama's congressional delegation has sprung into action to challenge the merits of the decision.

Aderholt on cnn Alabama News
'Completely shocking and outrageous': U.S. Rep. Aderholt on Biden choosing Colorado for Space Command HQ

U.S. Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville) said he and the rest of the Alabama congressional delegation were blindsided Monday by the Biden administration’s decision to make Colorado the permanent home of U.S. Space Command over Huntsville.

Space Command Flag Alabama News
Alabama's federal delegation blasts Biden's decision to keep Space Command in Colorado Springs

On Monday, The Biden administration announced the headquarters for the U.S. Space Command will remain in Colorado, reversing a Trump-era decision to move the HQ to Huntsville.

Redstone Arsenal Sign Alabama News
Space Command HQ to remain in Colorado, despite protests

The headquarters for the U.S. Space Force will remain in Colorado after a tumultuous reneging of a Trump-era decision to move the HQ to Huntsville.

Dale Strong Alabama News
U.S. Rep. Strong blocks amendment to further delay Space Force HQ decision — 'Another attempt to insert politics into a critical national security decision'

U.S. Rep. Dale Strong (R-Huntsville) recently blocked an effort to further delay the announcement for the headquarters of the new command center for the U.S. Space Force after months of political drama with the site’s location.

Mike Pence Alabama News
Pence voices support for locating U.S. Space Command HQ in Alabama: 'There’s only one place it should be'

Former vice president and current 2024 presidential candidate Mike Pence gave his support for locating the permanent U.S. Space Command (SPACECOM) headquarters in Alabama.

Space Command Alabama News
SPACECOM commander James Dickinson assures Tuberville, Strong, Britt that Huntsville remains best location for U.S. Space Command HQ; Ohio makes last-ditch effort to host

After meeting with U.S. Space Command commander Gen. James Dickinson, U.S. Rep. Dale Strong (R-Huntsville) said the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force has “some explaining to do” on why it appears to be wavering on choosing Alabama as the permanent headquarters for SPACECOM.

Clay Scofield Alabama News
Alabama Legislature passes Scofield-sponsored resolution affirming Huntsville as best location for U.S. Space Command HQ

Alabama Senate Majority Leader Clay Scofield and other state lawmakers are lending their support for locating U.S. Space Command’s permanent headquarters in Huntsville.

Space command Alabama News
Report: Congress moves to block funding to expand temporary Space Command HQ in Colorado as Alabama HQ decision is threatened

In the latest salvo in the ongoing battle over choosing a permanent home for U.S. Space Command, Alabama lawmakers have reportedly drafted a bill to block funding the continued growth of the temporary headquarters in Colorado.

Ivey824 Alabama News
Ivey commends Alabama's federal delegation for Space Command investigation — 'Redstone should, can and will be home to Space Command Headquarters'

Gov. Kay Ivey on Tuesday commended Alabama’s federal delegation for its investigation into Space Command's location while reiterating that Huntsville is the only logical place for the United States Space Force.

Nathaniel Ledbetter. Alabama News
House Speaker Ledbetter on Redstone Arsenal snub: 'It’s a problem for our country when we make decisions like that based on politics'

A report surfaced Monday revealing the Biden administration's plans to reverse course on moving U.S. Space Command headquarters to Alabama due to the state's abortion law.

Britt and Lloyd Austin Alabama News
Britt implores U.S. Sec. Def. Austin to move U.S. Space Command HQ to Huntsville: ‘Do not prove Xi Jinping right’

During a hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations Tuesday, U.S. Sen. Kate Britt (R-Montgomery) further criticized the Biden administration’s plans to reverse course on moving U.S. Space Command headquarters to Alabama, and she directly addressed U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin about why it rightfully belongs in Huntsville.

Britt Strong Tuberville Alabama News
Britt, Strong, Tuberville decry Biden's attempt to keep Space Command HQ out of Alabama: A 'blatant prioritization of partisan political considerations at the expense of our national security'

After a report surfaced Monday revealing the Biden administration's plans to reverse course on moving U.S. Space Command headquarters to Alabama due to the state's abortion law, several Alabama officials were quick to condemn the President for playing politics at the expense of strategic national security.

Biden Alabama News
Report: Biden administration considering reversing course on locating Space Command HQ in Alabama over state's abortion ban

The Biden administration is reportedly planning to reverse plans to locate U.S. Space Command in Alabama due to the state’s laws on abortion.

Rogers and Strong Alabama News
Rogers, Strong press Air Force officials to stop delaying Space Command decision — 'You need to end this charade and make the announcement'

“We are beyond the point of frustration with the continued delay in announcing the final decision on SPACECOM basing,” Rogers said.

United States Space Command Alabama News
U.S. Rep. Dale Strong: The facts speak for themselves that Space Command belongs in Alabama

After years of extensive review, it’s clear that Alabama’s Redstone Arsenal is the best location to permanently house U.S. Space Command.

Grid Art 20230413 165008270 Alabama News
Britt, Brooks, Battle condemn Washington Examiner editorial calling Alabama a 'reckless' choice for Space Command HQ — 'Embarrassingly misinformed'

Given the imminent threats posed by Russia and China, The Examiner argued that Peterson Space Force Base in Colorado is a better strategic option when it comes to national security and said that Alabama's Redstone Arsenal was a "reckless" choice.

Dale Strong floor speech Alabama News
U.S. Rep. Strong: 'Indisputable' Huntsville the top choice to host Space Command HQ — Colorado wasn't in the top three

U.S. Rep. Dale Strong (R-Huntsville) released a statement about the U.S. Space Command permanent headquarters basing process on the heels of a Washington Post report that the Biden administration was looking to reverse a Trump-era decision to locate the headquarters at Redstone Arsenal.

Redstone Arsenal Sign Alabama News
Report: Biden White House 'appears ready to reverse a Trump administration plan to relocate the U.S. Space Command from Colorado Springs to Huntsville'

Late Thursday, veteran Washington Post columnist David Ignatius reported the Biden administration was poised to reverse a 2021 Trump-era decision to locate U.S. Space Command in Huntsville.

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