By now you all probably know that Taylor Swift has released a new album. When this album came out, I decided to take some time and carefully listen to the lyrics of these songs, because I did not want to base my opinion on her previous work or actions.

Listening only strengthened my opinion that Swift is not a role model for our young girls.

Before you read further, please understand that my heart goes out to the hurt that Swift feels. You could hear her crying out in most of her lyrics, which was heartbreaking. Consider the sadness and depression in these lyrics:

What if I roll the stone away?
They're gonna crucify me anyway
What if the way you hold me is actually what's holy?
If long suffering propriety is what they want from me
They don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly
I choose you and me religiously

There are numerous videos and articles that talk about these lyrics, their connections to Christian terminology, and Swift being able to heal from her boyfriend without the help of the Holy One. That is heartbreaking, and as a sinner saved by grace, I want Swift to turn to God for healing of any hurts she has experienced in the past at the hands of people in the church or elsewhere.

What I don’t understand is how we as Christian men and women seem to be afraid to stand against our children listening to these lyrics. Do we really want our daughters to grow up thinking the life portrayed in Swift’s lyrics is the model they should follow?

I recently saw a clip on TikTok in which Swift claimed to be a Christian. Thus, she must be held to a higher standard – as should all Christian artists – and when she is promoting things that are anti-Christian, we can’t close our eyes to the influence she has on our children, refusing to talk about this subject.  

I’ve seen many people trying to defend Swift, referencing Scriptures where people were living in sin and Jesus was there for them. What they forget is that Jesus also told these individuals to “go and sin no more.”

There are other disturbing indicators of how influential Swift is in the lives of our young people. One is a video of students at University of California, Berkeley who actually study Swift in a class, putting her up on a pedestal in almost a cult-like way.

I get it, it's art. She's an entrepreneur, she's building wealth, and she's doing better than most artists … but what is she building it for?

Then there’s the clip that shows a father discussing how great his relationship with his daughter is now that Swift is dating Travis Kelce, because now he and his daughter have something to talk about. Men, if the only thing that you can find to talk to your daughter about is the relationship between a football player and a pop star, then we have a serious problem in our country.

Some people don't feel we should be talking about this situation or this public figure who has claimed to be a Christian. But don't you think we should warn others about the dangers that are apparent in both Swift’s music and that of other artists and public figures? Do you want to stand idly by and watch as our children and our young adults learn that Taylor Swift’s life is an example of what it means to be a Christian – a life of sadness and depression? After all, Jesus did not promise a perfect life in becoming a Christian, but living for Him does bring joy that should be shared. 

So perhaps it’s time to stop downloading the songs, stop buying the recordings, stop playing them in the car, stop going to the concerts, and stop supporting what we know is corrupting and hurting the soul of our young people and ourselves. And when we stop, we should also pray that the eyes of Swift and all the artists trying their best to influence the minds of our young generation will be opened.

No, I don't know Swift and I don't have a way to get in contact with her, but if I ever have the opportunity to meet her, I'd hug her neck and I'd share the gospel with her. That's the most important thing.

Let’s not let Taylor Swift tear Christians apart. We know what is right and what is wrong if we’re looking at Scripture, so let’s not ride the fence on these things anymore!

Instead, let's raise our daughters to be wives and mothers, strong in their faith and using the gifts God has blessed them with to benefit our families and nation.

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." (Philippians 4:8-9)

Ashley Carter is a wife, mother, and grandmother living in Elmore County, where she and her husband run Farm to Table Living and Carter Farms. She is the author of "Unexplainable: Inspirational Stories of God's Love in the Most Unique Ways." Ashley serves as Controller and Executive Assistant at 1819 News. To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email

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