The recent attempt on former President Donald Trump's life clearly shows how divided our country is right now. This failed assassination is a wake-up call proclaiming our need for leaders who can bring us together – unifying rather than dividing.

It also calls for a departure from divisive rhetoric. It is vital for political figures to avoid using violent metaphors when speaking about fellow Americans, including political adversaries. Such language not only deepens the divide but also undermines the principles of respectful and constructive dialogue that are foundational to our constitutional republic.

This shift towards more careful rhetoric is crucial for de-escalating violence and encouraging a political environment where differences are resolved through discussion and mutual respect, avoiding hostility and division.

Politicians and public figures have significant influence over public sentiment. They carry the responsibility to promote a culture of peace and understanding, mending the fractures in our society.

Leaders wield significant influence through their language. When used irresponsibly, aggressive language can lead to violence, contributing to the political divide. For those who downplay that "words don't pull triggers," it's important to understand that words can indeed motivate people to act.

Abraham Lincoln's famous "A House Divided" speech, delivered on June 16, 1858, upon accepting the Illinois Republican Party's nomination for U.S. Senator, resonates through American history. His powerful use of a biblical reference underscored the urgent need for a president who can act as a unifier, particularly in times of national strife.

Lincoln used this metaphor to address the deep divisions in the United States over slavery, illustrating that the nation could not continue indefinitely as part slave and part free without collapsing. "Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand," Matthew 12:25 reads.  

A good leader for our times would tackle the big problems that make people so divided: politics.

In my opinion, the best approach to addressing the significant issues that divide us politically may lie in embracing the liberty-focused messages of Frederick Douglass. An escaped slave, Douglass' advocacy for liberty holds broad appeal and resonates with most Americans. By articulating and upholding these shared values that Douglass championed – respect for the U.S. Constitution, the sanctity of life, the belief in the limited power of government, economic prosperity, the right to bear arms and much more – can bring Americans together.

Douglass, with his historic counsel to Abraham Lincoln, played a crucial role in helping Lincoln unite and save the nation during its time of deepest division. By leveraging his message of liberty today, we can work towards uniting and healing America once again. Douglass’ emphasis on God-given rights serves as a powerful common ground for all Americans.

As a nation, we must reject the use of violent language in political discourse, whether it occasionally emerges among conservatives or is more systematically seen among the radical left. We need leaders from all political parties who possess the moral courage to speak truthfully, promote the right values, and guide us toward a more united and peaceful America, healing the political divide.

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