Rise to the Moment of Truth Saturday, February 22, 2025


Alabama political news black family Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Why the left fears Frederick Douglass' liberty message

As we celebrate Black History Month, we should remember Douglass not just as a hero from the past, but as a role model for real freedom, hard work, and success – values that help people grow stronger and unite America.

Alabama political news cultural shift Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Creating a lasting cultural shift

Too frequently, political loyalty is shaped by party affiliation or identity politics rather than a careful evaluation of values.

Alabama political news marxist youth Alabama News
KCarl Smith: How to keep your kids from falling into the Marxist mindset

Many Americans, especially young people, do not know the value of liberty. This makes them susceptible to the alluring promises of socialism, which they encounter on college campuses.

Alabama political news john legend Alabama News
KCarl Smith: A response to John Legend's remarks at the Democratic National Convention

John Legend's sweeping generalization about an entire group of people based on their political beliefs is itself a form of prejudice, which is a key component of racism.

American flag, ballot Alabama News
KCarl Smith: The need for unifying leadership

The recent attempt on former President Donald Trump's life clearly shows how divided our country is right now. This failed assassination is a wake-up call proclaiming our need for leaders who can bring us together.

Alabama political news July 4 Alabama News
KCarl Smith: The double reversal in Frederick Douglass' 'Fourth of July' speech

Frederick Douglass masterfully employed the rhetorical technique of a double reversal to convey his message in his powerful July 5, 1852, speech titled, "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?"

Alabama political news slavery Alabama News
KCarl Smith: You won't believe what I heard

How can these black conservatives assert that slavery wasn't bad when they never experienced it themselves?

Alabama political news freeing slaves Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Forging freedom through the Three-Fifths Clause of the Constitution

The Clause, by counting each enslaved individual as three-fifths of a person, reduced the overall representation of the slave states compared to counting them as full individuals. It did not give the slave states a huge pro-slavery majority in Congress. 

Alabama political news uniting Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Uniting through shared values

Values are the bedrock upon which societies build their identities and aspirations. They have a unique knack for rising above political divides and cultural differences.

Alabama political news struggle Alabama News
KCarl Smith: The perpetual struggle for liberty

Conservatives must employ a persuasive message of liberty that is so robust that the left can’t question it, can’t attack it, and can’t defeat it.

immigration, border Alabama News
KCarl Smith: U.S. immigration – a reflection on freedom

Frederick Douglass stood as the most profound advocate for “legal” immigration. For instance, in an 1867 Boston speech titled "Composite Nation," Douglass welcomed Chinese immigrants as contributors to the nation's wealth and resources... as long as they came legally.

Marxism Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Defeating Marxism through principles of the past

Defeating Marxism requires more than just political opposition; it requires a deep comprehension of the fundamental principles underlying our conservative convictions and the skill to express these values in an engaging manner.

Prayer 3 Alabama News
KCarl Smith: It's time to pray to God and act

“I prayed for freedom for 20 years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.”

American founders Alabama News
KCarl Smith: The American experiment

Our country of freedom is NOT a mere experiment. Our founders fought for freedom, establishing the United States to secure that freedom because they wanted to live free and share that freedom with their children and grandchildren.

Abortion Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Progressive elites seem to think they are God

The left seems to put great effort into spitting in the face of God.

Frederick douglass Alabama News
KCarl Smith: A surefire approach to defeat Marxism

Marxist liberals have devised a well-orchestrated plan to further their degenerate thinking by any means necessary, through voter fraud and the internet.

Frederick douglass heidelblog net Alabama News
KCarl Smith: The last line of defense

There are many things we should be thankful for. For me, near the top of the list, I am thankful that my children and grandchildren can live in freedom, if we can keep it, and not go under Communism/Marxism.

holding hands Alabama News
KCarl Smith: The truth is coming out

Among the greatest gifts Frederick Douglass gave Americans during his life and today was to make us understand the truth about how elite Democrat slave plantation owners were exploiting black Americans.

Iran flag Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Iran in revolt, again

Control over Iran's government has shifted back and forth by revolutions and coups for much longer than the last 100 years, and it's all heavily influenced by control over the country’s oil. 

Frederick douglass heidelblog net Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Frederick Douglass — the quintessential political adviser

The actions and policies of Donald Trump as president demonstrated to me that he is a Frederick Douglass Republican, but he never stated that publicly, to my knowledge. He should study the life and life-empowering values of Frederick Douglass and state the truth honestly -- that he is a Frederick Douglass Republican.

Marx Douglass Alabama News
KCarl Smith: We need Douglass-ism to defeat Marxism

We are living in unprecedented times. The tyrannical Biden administration and Marxist-liberal Democrats are doing everything possible to tear down America. Never in our lifetime have we witnessed the unrestrained use of power and authority by our government — carried out at the expense of individual liberty.

File c28e7bb7 2bda 485b 8020 6399cc64a752 Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Proud to announce the Frederick Douglass STEM Academy in Irondale

On Nov. 17, 1864, Frederick Douglass spoke to a majority Black, standing room only audience at Bethel A.M.E. Church in Baltimore, Maryland....

File 53581095 27cd 4791 a4bd 1ff9539eb933 Alabama News
KCarl Smith: God and communism cannot co-exist

This is part 3 of a 3-part series on Critical Race Theory (CRT) to help you effectively dismantle its racist and anti-God assertions....

File 38ef2a2d eaf1 416d aeeb abf3519d331b Alabama News
KCarl Smith: CRT teaches 'once a racist, always a racist'

This is part two of a three-part series on Critical Race Theory (CRT) to help you effectively dismantle its racist and anti-God assertions....