As a constitutional republic, we are far better equipped to defend individual liberties and ensure that government remains a servant of the people, not the other way around.
What does freedom really mean? Where does it come from? Why did our forefathers risk their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to secure it for us?
In light of recent world events, we’ve seen a resurgence of the subtly pernicious argument that America “should do something because it’s the right thing to do.” This “something” ranges from accepting and housing millions of foreigners, to sending billions of our dollars to prolong a stagnant European conflict.
If those in the federal government wish to disregard their constitutional obligations, let them. But they should not be surprised when states consequently assert their sovereignty and ignore federal directives, as Texas has.
The Founders intended the House of Representatives to be the “People’s House.” But today, as the People number 330,000,000, the 435-seat House’s foundation is more strained than ever — its blueprint forgotten.
Our country of freedom is NOT a mere experiment. Our founders fought for freedom, establishing the United States to secure that freedom because they wanted to live free and share that freedom with their children and grandchildren.