Rise to the Moment of Truth Wednesday, February 12, 2025

1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

1819 Joey Clark Brian Moats Alabama News
Joey Clark: For the win, Trump kisses Katie Britt's ring

If there is one thing Donald Trump respects above all, it’s winning. Winning is his gold standard. Winning is his North star. All manner of sins can be forgiven by winning. All shifts in narrative, policy, or principle can be explained by winning. Even the corporate press is willing to meet Trump on his own winning terms, as they carefully keep track of his win/loss record in the 2022 midterm election cycle.

Stephanie Holden Smith Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: These are not the saviors you're looking for

Sadly, too many of us spend our lives looking for something other than God to fill our longing for meaning: business, family, entertainment, and politics come to mind. But in relentlessly pursuing secular things that hold little eternal value, we remain unfulfilled and wonder why our lives never reach a state of satisfaction. There is no doubt that many people pursuing things other than God achieve a measure of “happiness” for a time: Fame. Comfort.  Status.  Pleasure.  Wealth.

1819 logo Alabama News
Readers React: to suggestions on changing election procedures

First, I appreciate your willingness to think outside the box and ask hard questions.  I admire the search for a better way with the understanding that there may not be one.  I appreciate that you are open to finding one or not finding one, as the case may be.

Phil williams Alabama News
Phil Williams: In a 'Top Gun' mood

Let me put it this way: when liberal outlets like Media Matters are railing against conservatives because of a movie, it sets my mind to thinking that I really want to see it! To go a step further, when conservative outlets and pundits are urging their followers to go see it … yep, I am even more inclined.

800px Justice Will Sellers Alabama News
Will Sellers: Bending the universe towards justice

Dr. Martin Luther King argued that the arc of the moral universe is long and bends toward justice. This geometry lesson was used to illustrate a belief that history is pulled gravitationally towards freedom.

Sean of the south Alabama News
Sean of the South: Welcome to Newnan

“Because this is exactly the kinda [expletive] you write about, I just wanted to tell you my story. It doesn’t matter how [bleeped] up your life is. Prayer works. Love works. Kindness works. Goodness works.”

Richard simmons NEWEST Alabama News
Richard Simmons: The great flaw in science

I think it is easy for us to assume that scientists are immune to the influence of their own beliefs and biases as they do research. We have this presumption that scientists are dispassionate and unbiased individuals who are committed to the truth and always simply report the facts. Kuhn’s book points out this fallacy, as his research into the history of science reveals that scientists are clearly not objective.

Accordion Alabama News
Guest Editorial: Celebrating June, and the accordion

According to nationaldaycalendar.com, June is also: National Give a Bunch of Balloons Month, National DJ Month, African-American Music Appreciation Month, National Zoo and Aquarium Month, Men’s Health Month, National Adopt a Cat Month ...

Matt Clark Alabama News
Matt Clark: The attempt on Justice Kavanaugh's life

On Wednesday morning, the unthinkable happened: a man who was upset that the Supreme Court appears ready to overrule Roe v. Wade was arrested for attempting to murder Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Caylah coffeen new Alabama News
Caylah Coffeen: Options to update our system of voting

With accusations of corruption and crossvoting piling up in Alabama's elections, and more polarization than ever at the national level, young voters increasingly question America’s conflict-ridden two-party system.

Newstalk 93 1 Alabama News
Ray Melick talks congressional leadership fund PACs on News Talk 93.1 News & Views

Listen to 1819 News Editor-in-Chief Ray Melick on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss why the Alabama U.S. Senate race is the 3rd most expensive in the nation, how congressional leadership fund PACs work and the possible expectations of major donors to campaigns.

Kcarl smith new Alabama News
KCarl Smith: If you can keep it

How do we keep our Constitutional Republic? And, most importantly, are you willing to make a difference?

Ray Melick Alabama News
Ray Melick: Money talks in Alabama Senate race, but what is it saying?

Why is this race so important as to be worth $24.5 million from organizations largely outside the state of Alabama? Understand, this is not a race to determine which party controls the Senate in November. Alabama is as safely a Republican seat as there is (notwithstanding the blip that was Doug Jones). The bigger issue for Republicans in November is regaining control of the Senate.

FM Talk 1065 Alabama News
Ray Melick talks the contested races in the recent Republican Primary election on FM Talk 1065

Listen to 1819 News Editor-in-Chief Ray Melick on Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan as they discuss the contested races in the recent Republican Primary election, Democrat crossover voting in the Republican Primary and the upcoming runoff election.

Justin Bogie Headshot Alabama News
Justin Bogie: State government on pace for another record surplus; will it give Alabamians a break?

State government continues to take more money from Alabamians than ever before. Will it use that money to continue the historic expansion of state government, or finally take less taxes from citizens?

1819 Amie Beth Shaver Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Is this really OK?

Why did our Alabama Unfiltered podcast get yanked from YouTube after an hour? Last week, we interviewed Dr. David Williams of Tuscaloosa and a Concerned Doctors board member. He gave us a “where things stand” with covid, update. He told the truth. Why wasn't that ok?

FM Talk 1065 Alabama News
Ray Melick talks the questions raised by the Executive Director of the Alabama Democratic Party on FM Talk 1065

Listen to 1819 News Editor-in-Chief Ray Melick on The Jeff Poor Show as they discuss the questions raised by the Executive Director of the Alabama Democratic Party, whether the Republican Party should insist on closed primaries to preclude Democrat crossover voting and the Republican U.S. Senate runoff.

1819 Joey Clark Brian Moats Alabama News
Joey Clark: Katie Britt's ambition should be made of sterner stuff

I hope Katie Britt is chuckling to herself. Her decision to decline to debate Mo Brooks under the circus big top before the June 21 run-off election for US Senate is both politically savvy and downright hilarious for those of us with a warped Machiavellian sense of humor.

Stephanie Holden Smith Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: Politics as a contact sport

People tend to make jokes and judgements about lawyers, politicians, and lobbyists being liars and/or living without personal scruples; politics does indeed seem to breed some more than capable fish-story-tellers. 

Parker snider Alabama News
Parker Snider: State auditor heading to runoff; what does the auditor do?

On primary night, State Representative Andrew Sorrell and pastor Stan Cooke received enough votes to advance to the June runoff in the race to become the Republican nominee for State Auditor. So, what exactly are they running for? What does the state auditor do? And maybe, more importantly, what does our state auditor not do?

Phil williams Alabama News
Phil Williams: We need the church to speak

Life has standards, at every turn. Actual standards once clearly defined are supposed to matter because, if they don’t matter, then we have no institutions of … well, anything. So why then is it okay for the Christian church to keep taking it on the chin without saying anything about it? You didn’t see that question coming did you?

1819 logo Alabama News
Readers' React: To four more years of Ivey and Durant's issues with campaigns

"So, when I pay $75-100.00 to fill up my service vehicle, paying the $2-3.00 extra in gas taxes doesn’t even register compared to the pain of the doubling of gas prices. I don’t even consider the additional gas tax. But you can believe I think about our Democrat friends, and President Biden - the founder of the pain that you are quick to blame our state leaders for. ..."

Richard simmons NEWEST Alabama News
Richard Simmons: Is your child perfect?

Recently in The Washington Post, there was an article on how perfectionism is destroying our young adults’ mental health. Parents are pushing their children to build the perfect college resume. It is one thing to be a conscientious high achiever, but it is another to be an unhealthy perfectionist.

Sean of the south Alabama News
Sean of the South: Homegrown tomatoes

If there is a pleasure more marvelous than homegrown tomatoes, it’s probably illegal. And I don’t want to know about it since I come from Baptists who don’t do illegal things because it could lead to a life of secular music.

FM Talk 1065 Alabama News
Ray Melick talks his recent interview with Mike Durant on FM Talk 1065

Listen to 1819 News Editor-in-Chief Ray Melick on Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan as they discuss Ray's recent interview with Mike Durant, the influence of Super PACs and the Alabama Secretary of State's assertion that MyPillow's Mike Lindell has no credibility.

Matt Clark Alabama News
Matt Clark: Free Speech and the right to say 'No' to promoting sin

This Tuesday, the Alabama Center for Law and Liberty filed a brief in perhaps the most important case involving the free exercise of religion that we have seen in a very long time. Strangely, to maximize its chance of success, it had to be framed as a free speech case. But however one frames it, this case involves the question that Christians have been wanting to know since the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage: Does the Constitution protect my right not to promote it?

Caylah coffeen new Alabama News
Caylah Coffeen: Deterrence through the justice of God

As we deal with the aftermath of the tragic school shooting in Texas, we also face predictable and insensitively timed cries for gun control. I’ve always been surprised and bothered that Conservatives don’t respond with their own policy suggestions. In the face of such wickedness, when our laws seem to fail at deterring crime, we must ask what needs to change and return to the source of our principles: God’s justice.

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