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Rise to the Moment of Truth Saturday, September 7, 2024


Phil williams Alabama News
Phil Williams: Hot sauce liberals

Think about it. In recent days President Biden himself has said that the pain at the pump right now is a “necessary part of the transition.” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said that it is well known that the current electrical grid infrastructure cannot sustain the push to reach Biden’s electric vehicle goals of 50% total usage by 2030.

Phil williams Alabama News
Phil Williams: Nowhere else to go

Recently I saw a picture on social media that caught my attention. It was one of thousands that were in my feed that day, but it stuck with me more than most. It was just a picture of a normal looking guy holding up a sign. I’ll get back to the reasons why that picture was such a draw in a minute.

Phil williams Alabama News
Phil Williams: In a post-Roe world, adoption should be front and center

One day when I was speaking to a group of students, one of them asked me point blank what was my most favorite thing; the MOST favorite of all. I knew what it was, and it may surprise you: Senate Bill 280 that amended section 22 of the Alabama Code during the 2012 Regular Session.

Wahl Alabama News
ALGOP chair Wahl calls for closed primaries, county voter mapping software requirements in wake of controversial primary season

During an interview with Rightside Radio host Phil Williams on Wednesday, Alabama Republican Party chairman John Wahl said his two main takeaways from the rocky primary campaign season were the need for a closed primary system and a requirement that all of Alabama's 67 counties have a uniform mapping software.

Rightside Radio 50 Alabama News
Rightside Radio expanding to Birmingham area later this month, host Phil Williams tells his story

Renowned radio show host Phil Williams is expanding Rightside Radio to the Birmingham area later this month.

Phil williams Alabama News
Phil Williams: Bring forth the Fourth

I hope that there are fireworks. But more than anything it is my sincere hope that you will teach the kids that this is not just a holiday for knothead kids to run around, eat junk food, and blow things up. Teach the next generation that we stand for the anthem with our hats off and our hands over our heart.

AL AG Marshall Steve AP Photo by J Scott Applewhite Alabama News
AG Steve Marshall calls past week a 'seminal moment' for the conservative legal movement

During an appearance on "Rightside Radio" on Wednesday, Attorney General Steve Marshall told host Phil Williams that last week had been a "seminal moment" for the conservative legal movement.

Phil williams Alabama News
Phil Williams: When SCOTUS brought the 'scunion'

Well, if you were watching the news Friday was a major day. Epic, really! The Supreme Court of the United States did some supreme work overall this past week and Friday capped off some amazing judicial victories for the conservative cause.

Vote voting polling place election by Erica Thomas Alabama News
State House District 2 candidate Kimberly Butler claims evidence primary election loss a result of misappropriated ballots

According to GOP House District 2 candidate Kimberly Butler, some voters in Lauderdale County were given a ballot with the wrong candidates and therefore did not have an opportunity to vote for Butler.

Phil williams Alabama News
Phil Williams: Where are the strong men?

Recently a guy named Justin, who said he was 19, called in and asked me on the air, “if hard times create strong men, where are the strong men to lead us out of these hard times?” What a great question!

Brooks Trump Alabama News
Mo Brooks says Trump organization urged his campaign to ask directly for Trump endorsement

During an interview that aired on Rightside Radio, U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks said Donald Trump's organization urged him to request the former president's endorsement.

Phil williams Alabama News
Phil Williams: In a 'Top Gun' mood

Let me put it this way: when liberal outlets like Media Matters are railing against conservatives because of a movie, it sets my mind to thinking that I really want to see it! To go a step further, when conservative outlets and pundits are urging their followers to go see it … yep, I am even more inclined.

Phil williams Alabama News
Phil Williams: We need the church to speak

Life has standards, at every turn. Actual standards once clearly defined are supposed to matter because, if they don’t matter, then we have no institutions of … well, anything. So why then is it okay for the Christian church to keep taking it on the chin without saying anything about it? You didn’t see that question coming did you?

Phil williams Alabama News
Phil Williams: Let your voice be heard!

This bad idea, which was poorly executed and fraught with disaster, received such a public outcry that even the usual tone-deaf Biden Administration had to do something. You see, that’s what happens when good people speak out!

Phil williams Alabama News
Phil Williams: Huntsville and Birmingham, a tale of two cities

I have no patience for leadership that passes the buck. Recently on Rightside Radio, I took issue with the leadership of Birmingham’s liberal Mayor Randall Woodfin.

File 8bc8aa9f 01ca 4236 9c04 c711b99c17c5 Alabama News
Phil Williams: In the words of Captain America, "No! YOU move!"

AT THE ROOT OF THE FREEDOM FIGHT You’re likely keenly aware of the fact that progressive liberals have little respect and place little...

File aa69b46e a7ad 49d9 b472 efc37c9edcff Alabama News
Phil Williams: What if General Patton was in charge of Alabama education?

I hope that you are tracking the current dynamic brewing in Montgomery. There is a major fight brewing between the usual suspects of...

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Phil Williams: When politicians lose their air cover

In Army slang, I am a ground-pounder. My personal background in the military includes time in the Infantry, both straight-leg and airborne....

File 1ecaa74b f34a 4805 a054 3fb1fbd35971 Alabama News
API endorses grocery tax repeal

The Alabama Policy Institute (API) announced it supports a bill repealing the tax on groceries. API added the bill to its annual legislative...

File a949252a 3f6e 4486 a6e0 f7554ba41305 Alabama News
Phil Williams: Hey, Twitter! I'm your huckleberry!

Well, it's official.  I have joined the ranks of those who have been banned from Twitter. Somehow, someway, I offended the gods of...

File 3e95f4c2 0d08 49d6 b96d ea7816a65305 Alabama News
Phil Williams: When our mayors - and governor! - provide cover for breaking the law

A few years ago, I realized that I had never read the classic book To Kill A Mockingbird by Alabama’s own Harper Lee. How did that...

File fc1fe7d0 0226 4706 b38a f334d0d83c79 Alabama News
Tim James starts gubernatorial campaign with fire against mandates, marijuana, etc.

On Wednesday, Greenville businessman Tim James formally launched his campaign for governor on the steps of the Capitol Building. James...

File 95570a8b e30d 4b92 a65a daeb3e2c85dc Alabama News
Phil Williams: Why do you live here?

So here’s a question: Why do you live here? That’s not a rhetorical question by the way. I’m serious - why do you live here? There’s...

File a21defe9 ca12 4d93 8929 07e5bce8b403 Alabama News
Phil Williams: It really matters

I don’t know about ya’ll but we had an amazing time with family during the Christmas season! Charlene and I had kids and grandkids...

File f1928ac5 5c1d 470a a831 832be9d7f255 Alabama News
Phil Williams: As goes the King, so goes the Country

There’s an old saying that “heavy is the head that wears the crown.” It speaks to the fact that leadership bears the burden of responsibility...

File 2eedf2aa 8185 4cf6 bd1e 5c6bf6cf6236 Alabama News
Phil Williams: Proof-check your politicians

I have a confession to make: I’m a voice texter. Does that make me old? I don’t know. I do think that generations younger than me can...

File 024207a4 3077 405a aa0a 992af1add764 Alabama News
Phil Williams: Leading from behind, again

This past week was a major week in US foreign policy. That’s major with a capital “M.” After the Afghanistan debacle and combined with...

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