Rise to the Moment of Truth Monday, February 17, 2025

Posts by Craig Monger

Prison interior Alabama News
Lawmakers confused, frustrated at rapid price increase of planned Alabama mega-prisons

In 2021, the Alabama Legislature approved $1.3 billion in funding for two prisons; now, the price tag for just one is approaching $1 billion, leaving some lawmakers frustrated and others with more questions than answers.

Elliott Alabama News
State Sen. Elliott: Fourth of July a reminder of an 'inherently un-American' effort by Baldwin County Commission to grant certain cities regulatory authority over unincorporated subdivisions

State Sen. Chris Elliott (R-Josephine) is warning of an upcoming vote from the Baldwin County Commission to allow certain municipalities to tax, police and regulate unincorporated subdivisions.

Prattville Library Alabama News
Online petition to relocate LGBTQ+ books for minors at Prattville library removed for 'hate speech'

The petition started by Prattville parents to relocate LGBTQ+ books for minors has been taken down by the host website for containing “hate speech.”

Alabama inmates ADOC Alabama News
Alabama Department of Corrections courting technology to block cell phone use in Alabama prisons

The Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) is considering implementing software to block unauthorized cell phone usage from inmates.

US House of Rep Sewell Terri Facebook Alabama News
U.S. Rep. Sewell calls SCOTUS ruling in favor of web designer refusing to design same-sex weddings 'a dangerous overreach with broad implications'

On Friday, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of Colorado-based web designer Lorie Smith who sought to exempt her business in federal court from the state’s anti-discrimination laws.

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall. Alabama News
AG Marshall applauds SCOTUS decision in favor of Colorado web designer in same-sex wedding lawsuit — 'The Constitution and our First Amendment prevail'

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall expressed approval of the Supreme Court of the United States decision in favor of a web designer who sought an exemption for refusing to design sites for same-sex weddings.  

Kay Ivey addressing economic developers 2 Alabama News
Ivey praises SCOTUS decision in favor of Christian postal worker: 'Government should never interfere with citizens' desire to worship'

Gov. Kay Ivey applauds the recent decision by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in favor of a postal worker who was fired for refusing to work on Sunday.

Terri Sewell Alabama News
U.S. Rep. Sewell blasts 'shameful' SCOTUS affirmative action decision — 'The Court has chosen to ignore our history'

U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell (D-Birmingham) is the first in Alabama’s federal delegation to speak on the recent decision from the Supreme Court of the United States against affirmative action.

Steve Marshall Alabama News
Marshall on affirmative action ruling: 'Ivy League appeals to diversity do not justify discriminating against prospective students based on the color of their skin'

Attorney General Steve Marshall praised SCOTUS’s Thursday ruling against affirmative action in college admissions.

U S Rep Jerry Carl Alabama News
U.S. Rep. Carl blasts 'Bidenomics,' receives praise from former President Donald Trump

U.S. Rep. Jerry Carl (R-Mobile) appeared on Fox Business to trash the spending of President Joe Biden, which received the praise of former President Donald Trump.

Prison oversight committee. Alabama News
ADOC Commissioner John Hamm gives lawmakers update on prison construction, staffing — 'Roughly, it comes out to $250,000 a bed'

The Joint Legislative Prison Oversight Committee met on Tuesday to discuss the construction and funding of the state’s two new mega-prisons, staffing shortages and more.  

Jay Mitchell Alabama News
Alabama Supreme Court Justice Jay Mitchell announces reelection campaign for 2024

Alabama Supreme Court Justice Jay Mitchell has officially announced his reelection campaign for the 2024 statewide election.

Kay Ivey Alabama News
Ivey announces July special session to redraw congressional maps after SCOTUS decision

Gov. Kay Ivey has officially announced the special legislative session for lawmakers to redraw congressional maps after being compelled by a Supreme Court ruling.

Montgomery City Hall Pride Flags Alabama News
Montgomery flies gay pride flags while city, state and U.S. flags missing from City Hall

Montgomery City Hall is festooned with flags celebrating pride month, but the city, state, and U.S. flags have been recently missing

Mo Brooks, Wayne Reynolds Alabama News
Ethics complaint dismissed against Mo Brooks for comments on Chinese interference in failed U.S. Senate run

On Sunday, the Alabama GOP Ethics Committee dismissed the ethics complaint against former Congressman Mo Brooks by State Department of Education vice president Wayne Reynolds.

Prattville Library Alabama News
Prattville library board elects new director, changes rules for public participation in board meetings

The Prattville-Autauga Library board of trustees voted on a replacement library director as well as rule changes for public participation in public board meetings as debate continues on the inclusion of LGBTQ+ books for minors.   

lgbtq gay books Alabama News
Embattled Prattville Library board to hold meeting after library director resigns position amid LGBTQ+ children's books controversy

The Prattville-Autauga Public Library is holding a special meeting of the board of trustees to replace the recently-resigned library director.

Dale Strong Alabama News
U.S. Rep. Strong blocks amendment to further delay Space Force HQ decision — 'Another attempt to insert politics into a critical national security decision'

U.S. Rep. Dale Strong (R-Huntsville) recently blocked an effort to further delay the announcement for the headquarters of the new command center for the U.S. Space Force after months of political drama with the site’s location.

Steve Marshall Alabama News
AG Marshall files briefs in multiple states defending bans on transition surgeries, drugs

While currently defending Alabama’s Vulnerable Child Protection Act (VCAP) in the state, Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall joins briefs in several states that enacted similar laws.

FUM Cmont Alabama News
First United Methodist Church-Montgomery continues to seek ways to disaffiliate despite rule change

First United Methodist Church-Montgomery is continuing to explore options to disassociate from the UMC denomination after a recent rule change in the church’s hierarchy changed the process by which churches can leave the denomination.

Iveybillsigning Alabama News
Ivey signs poll worker compensation bill increase into law

Gov. Kay Ivey has signed into law legislation that provides a pay increase for poll workers in Alabama.

Bookcase books bookshelves 159711 pexels com Alabama News
Heated debate over LGBTQ+ children's books at Prattville-Autauga Public Library rages on

The battle over LGBTQ+ children’s books at the Prattville-Autauga Library continues as opponents read excerpts from the contentious books at a city council meeting.

Nathaniel Ledbetter. Alabama News
House Speaker Nathaniel Ledbetter appoints reapportionment committee members as special session looms

Alabama House Speaker Nathaniel Ledbetter has appointed members to the Permanent Legislative Committee on Reapportionment as the state prepares for a July special session to redraw congressional maps.

State Rep. Andy Whitt Alabama News
State Rep. Whitt: 'We will see some form of legislation introduced in the upcoming 2024 session related to the lottery or a comprehensive gaming plan'

Earlier this month, the Alabama Legislature concluded business without addressing the issue of gambling in the state, but the work to formulate a state lottery or even a "comprehensive gaming plan" is well underway.

Speaking Alabama News
State Sen. Elliott to drop legislation during upcoming special session cutting $5 million from Alabama Department of Archives and History in wake of LGBTQ+ event

Legislation is in the works to remove $5 million in funding to the Alabama Department of Archives and History after it hosted a luncheon about Alabama's LGBTQ history.

Will Ainsworth Alabama News
'The least we could do' — Ainsworth applauds passage of legislative package to improve life for military members in the state

Lieutenant Gov. Will Ainsworth applauds the legislature’s passage of a bill package meant to improve the lives of veterans, servicemembers and their families in Alabama.

SCOTUS Alabama News
Heritage Foundation says SCOTUS redistricting decision not in line with Voting Rights Act

The Heritage Foundation claims the recent Supreme Court decision possibly forcing Alabama to redraw congressional districts is not in line with Voting Rights Act.

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