Last week the legislature began touting the fact that lawmakers expect to pass $100 million in targeted tax cuts this session. Combined...
Imbeciles are always and everywhere. Nitwits are pervasive among us no matter the school of thought or political stripe. They have...
I’ve had some very interesting conversations lately with key people in the State House about the current situation with pending legislation...
The great American author, Flannery O’Connor once made the assertion that “Christianity is worthless if it is not true.” Though I...
Virginia has turned Red from the top to the bottom. They recently elected a Republican governor, Republican lieutenant governor, and...
Recently I ran a small poll among friends and family around my age, asking about their emotional response to the conflict between Russia...
Some people define insanity as doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Alabama’s Education Trust Fund...
The Hoover Institution at Stanford University has produced a report for the Alabama Innovation Commission, Innovative Alabama. Last...
I grew up in a very staunch Christian and Democratic home. If you had asked me 20 years ago why I was a Democrat, my answer would have...
Moose, one of our bullmastiffs, got a bath the other day. Emmy scrubbed. I held the door. Moose saw me, a.k.a., “the lady who gives...
It was an uplifting sight last week to see a video of a Las Vegas elementary school erupting with cheers, squeals and dance in response...
Despite the triumphant march of America’s leviathan government throughout the 20th century to this day, individualism and political...
And just like that, football season is over. Of course, there is no “just like that” like the Super Bowl, that truly American spectacle...
AT THE ROOT OF THE FREEDOM FIGHT You’re likely keenly aware of the fact that progressive liberals have little respect and place little...
The anti-Alabama letters keep coming in. “I read that you’re moving to Alabama, Sean,” the email began, “and I’m not trying to talk...
We live in a time where people are truly perplexed over what has gone wrong with our world. There seems to be so much instability in...
Today, I bring you a report on the latest gender battle. Date: 2/7/22 Location: the fields of Twitter Casualties: human decency, sanity,...
I saw a new internet/social media abbreviation (or maybe it's an acronym) that I had not seen before, that cracked me up. “JABA.” I...
“It’s kind of late.” That was the message from Alabama House Majority Leader Nathaniel Ledbetter (R-Rainseville) when asked about the...
Remember your mother's vanity? The wonder that it was? The cotton balls, q-tips, and beauty products? Did she keep a cup right by the...
Last Friday, President Joe Biden signed yet another executive order that will soon become a monkey wrench in the gears of economic...
While the spike in violent crime nationwide last year has rightfully grabbed headlines, one heinous crime wave continues to go relatively...
Though it may be true that “politics is downstream from culture,” politics can also pollute the river of culture. Power tends to corrupt...
This session, one of the hottest debates on Goat Hill is whether Alabama should pass “constitutional carry,” which would allow the...
Several weeks ago, my fifth grader was given a research assignment on the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. As I helped her search for...
I hope that you are tracking the current dynamic brewing in Montgomery. There is a major fight brewing between the usual suspects of...
Sen. Del Marsh filed and moved his school choice bill, dubbed the PCA (Parental Choice Act) last week. Unfortunately, the educational...