It’s not supposed to happen here. It’s not supposed to happen anywhere. And it’s definitely not supposed to occur in our own backyard.
Without ARPA funds, how does BSC plan to remain open? There are two likely solutions, both of which would set a new precedent for state government’s involvement with private higher education institutions.
The truth of the education system’s failures lies somewhere in between everyone and no one's responsibility, citizen, which means you must believe the lie for the nobility of the system to survive.
Liberal wokists will never be satisfied. They are bullies. But companies who push back will find that good old red-blooded Americans will rush to their support and thank them for their courage.
Femininity brings balance to life, creating a counterpoint to the strength, assertiveness, and competition characteristics of masculinity.
The left seems to put great effort into spitting in the face of God.
We live in an age where the career woman is praised, while the woman who desires to follow God’s Word and labor for the Kingdom in her home receives scorn.
We should be grateful that originalism is working not only in Washington, D.C. but right here in Montgomery as well.
Alabama, thank you again for the honor of serving you every day. These first 100 days have been productive, but this is just the beginning of what we can accomplish together.
It is clear to see why Alabama voters strongly prefer repealing the state’s sales tax on groceries over receiving a one-time rebate check. Will lawmakers listen to their constituents?
Repeating history does not have to be our doom. We can repeat it by taking our cues from brave men and women who stood for freedom. We can repeat it by taking a stand against tyranny and fighting against the abuse of power.
No, I don’t know how to save this country. But I know that turning off the TV is a good place to start.
Givhan’s bill provides needed reforms that would potentially curtail the powers of the State Health Officer. Stronger restrictions and oversight provisions should be added to ensure that it does that.
Despite rising salaries, a robust economy, and a highly competitive job market that is forcing some employers to entice new workers with signing bonuses, many Alabamians struggle financially and find themselves living paycheck to paycheck.
City elections are scheduled for August 22, but no challengers have announced a bid for Reed’s position. But could recent lawsuits change that?
The Constitution is our free society’s seal of approval. If something passes constitutional muster, then we can be more assured that we are protected and able to confidently move forward. It is the standard for measuring freedom.
Of all the press box food I’ve experienced, most has been very good. Auburn definitely had the best menu (sorry, Alabama fans, but this is about food, not football) with a really tasty buffet.
Jesus didn’t die on that cross and rise again three days later so that you and I could stay the same. Are you willing to change?
Easter is celebrated all around the world as a time of renewal and a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is always a chance for new life to emerge.
You’ve just read about three angels from a humble region of the world that is oft forgotten. We call this region the Great American South. And these were our angels.
As we head south toward death and destruction of our own making, Anna Essinger's example is a remarkable reminder. What if we were people who did what was irrational, and seemingly impossible, but what was right?
It is a positive development that Alabama lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are presenting serious proposals to reduce the tax burden of Alabamians.
Two very significant events happened this week: Donald Trump was arraigned in New York City, and the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH) substantially revised its speech code.
Listen to 1819 News Editor-at-Large Erica Thomas on "Midday Mobile" with Sean Sullivan as they discuss the Baldwin Bridge Company civil litigation against ALDOT.
Listen to 1819 News Fiscal and Budget Reporter Justin Bogie on "Midday Mobile" with Sean Sullivan as they discuss the strange items in the governor's supplemental Education Trust Fund budget, including money for a waterpark, an airport and a World Games bailout.
Listen to 1819 News Executive Editor Jeff Poor on iHeart Radio with JT as they discuss proposed legislation to outlaw holding a cell phone in one's hand while driving and proposed legislation to outlaw smoking or vaping in one's automobile if kids 14 and under are present.
We can resurrect these tattered maidens of democracy and justice, worn though they are. All it takes is a long, truthful look in a mirror that isn’t faulty … and a willingness to make some very tough admissions.