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Rise to the Moment of Truth Friday, October 18, 2024

1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

Justin Bogie Headshot Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Legislature should not seek permanent solutions for temporary problems

There is no doubt that inflation is hurting many Alabamians right now, whether they be public or private sector employees or business owners. In June, inflation rose to 9.1 percent year over year, with record high gas prices being the underlying cause. But no one expects that trend to last. The Congressional Budget Office projects that inflationary pressures will begin to ease later this year and fall to 3.1 percent in 2023. From 1960 to 2021 the average annual inflation rate in the United States was 3.7 percent.

1819 Amie Beth Shaver Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Speaking out

Even though Isaiah warned us, did we ever think we’d have leaders who did this?

FM Talk 1065 Alabama News
Ray Melick talks attendance at The World Games on FM Talk 1065

Listen to 1819 News Editor-in-Chief Ray Melick on The Jeff Poor Show as they discuss breakfast tacos, the California-doctor-proposed floating abortion clinic in Gulf federal waters, attendance at The World Games, the apparent Birmingham desire to be a sporting event destination and historic stadiums like Legion Field.

Stephanie Holden Smith Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: Parents must understand the cultural power of the NEA, AEA

Last week, the National Education Association’s (NEA) Representative Assembly met in Chicago. Kim Anderson, NEA Executive Director, made the claim that, “If we don’t achieve racial justice in our schools, we cannot expect to achieve it in our society. It begins with us.” In a speech to the assembly, she stated that, “students are organizing, marching, posting, and speaking up for the progress we must continue to make if the United States is to be a more perfect union.”

1819 Joey Clark Brian Moats Alabama News
Joey Clark: The political puppet shadow show

Politicians like to make everything about them, but to avoid the appearance of outright ambition, they cloak themselves in the symbols of the nation, especially that most revered symbol of any democracy — the people.

Phil williams Alabama News
Phil Williams: In a post-Roe world, adoption should be front and center

One day when I was speaking to a group of students, one of them asked me point blank what was my most favorite thing; the MOST favorite of all. I knew what it was, and it may surprise you: Senate Bill 280 that amended section 22 of the Alabama Code during the 2012 Regular Session.

Antonio salazar Alabama News
Will Sellers: Portugal's Salazar and the quest for stable government

Having a benevolent dictator who could act immediately and unilaterally, without the niceties of a parliament, plebiscite, or consent seems on the surface to be a good thing. But finding that one individual who possessed the necessary qualifications to consistently act unselfishly and only in the national interest was a challenge.

Sean of the south Alabama News
Sean of the South: Lake Martin

Lake Martin is one of the top five cleanest and clearest lakes in the United States. It is like looking into glass. It is a lake so clear you can see all the Natural Light cans on the bottom. I stared across the lake and I was thinking about my old man.

Richard simmons NEWEST Alabama News
Richard Simmons: Keystone habits

Back in 1987, Alcoa hired Paul O’Neil as its new CEO. Alcoa, which had been in business for over 100 years, was struggling and needed new leadership. O’Neil was a former government bureaucrat that no one had ever heard of.

FM Talk 1065 Alabama News
Ray Melick talks The World Games and voting irregularities in the recent primary runoffs on FM Talk 1065

Listen to 1819 News Editor-in-Chief Ray Melick on Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan as they discuss The World Games and voting irregularities in the recent primary runoffs.

Matt Clark Alabama News
Matt Clark: Supreme Court strikes major blow to EPA

On the last day of its term, the Supreme Court struck a major blow against the EPA (and the administrative state generally) in its 6-3 decision in West Virginia v. EPA.

Justin Bogie Headshot Alabama News
Justin Bogie: In the aftermath of Roe, Alabama should not rush to fully expand Medicaid

The reality that so many pro Medicaid expansion advocates seem to ignore is that Alabama already expanded Medicaid coverage for new mothers and their children, before the Roe decision.

John merrill Alabama News
John Merrill: Its up to State Legislature to reexamine the County Registrar system to avoid election errors

Those registrars who have proven themselves unable to adequately perform their duties must face consequences. In the county where the most egregious dereliction of duties occurred, I sought and received the resignation of all three registrars involved.

Newstalk 93 1 Alabama News
Ray Melick talks The World Games and the midterm elections on News Talk 93.1 News & Views

Listen to 1819 News Editor-in-Chief Ray Melick on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss Boris Johnson, The World Games, "Good Time" laws, the midterms, and the lack of trust the American people have in most offices and institutions.

Kcarl smith new Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Defending your Conservative point of view

Because of the Left’s negative propaganda and Conservative missteps, the word “conservative” slams the door on successful political discourse. The Left’s racist name-calling keeps Conservatives on the defense. As a result, Marxist-Liberals are winning the narrative battle today and Conservatives are losing ground. The only dog in the fight, Conservatives must be on the offensive ALL time in order to defeat the Left’s anti-Liberty agenda.

Will blakely Alabama News
Will Blakely: Reason, faith and appendicitis

A year ago today, I was in the hospital. On Independence Day, I found out I had appendicitis - a severe case. I would have to get an appendectomy in the morning. Appendectomies are routine procedures, but I’ll admit I was nervous. I’d never had surgery before.

1819 Amie Beth Shaver Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Your home matters

It is where the fabric of your family's life is woven. It is where God is introduced, our children's first prayers are whispered, and their first tears of bitter disappointment fall. It's where they fuss and fight. And where they laugh until they drop.

1819 Joey Clark Brian Moats Alabama News
Joey Clark: Washington's inflationary crime spree is worse than people imagine

If the public opinion polls are to be trusted, the top issue for most Americans fresh off this Fourth of July weekend continues to be inflation. God bless Americans for it. Good to see most Americans still have their practical wits about them, at least on the surface level. Yet, as their food and gas bills continue to balloon almost as much as their waistlines and the national debt, I wonder if most Americans also realize that the inflationary crime committed against them by the Washington elite is probably the most expensive and vast heist ever pulled off in human history.

Stephanie Holden Smith Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: Hope is not a COVID strategy

We’ve probably all heard the adage, “hope is not a strategy.” Books have been written on it, troops and teams have been motivated by it, parents and politicians have used it as a reason to create attainable goals and plan for the future. What we might not have seen or even imagined before is “hope” being used as both strategy and justification for a public health response to a worldwide pandemic.

AP22160460929389 Alabama News
1819 News asks: How ‘Independent’ is America?

1819 News asked politicians, public figures and leaders: What is the state of American independence today?

Phil williams Alabama News
Phil Williams: Bring forth the Fourth

I hope that there are fireworks. But more than anything it is my sincere hope that you will teach the kids that this is not just a holiday for knothead kids to run around, eat junk food, and blow things up. Teach the next generation that we stand for the anthem with our hats off and our hands over our heart.

Indepebdence Hall by NPS Alabama News
History behind the Fourth of July

On the Fourth of July we celebrate the American Revolution and those ideals which this country was built on which were best articulated in the Declaration of Independence.

Sean of the south Alabama News
Sean of the South: The Sandwich

In fact, top archaeology scholars at Columbia University now believe that the original Garden of Eden was located just north of Highway 52 in Geneva County. And most experts agree that the forbidden fruit consumed by Adam and Eve was originally purchased from the Hendrix Farm Produce tomato stand.

Richard simmons NEWEST Alabama News
Richard Simmons: A reason not to believe

When it gets right down to it, so many people are not on a truth and wisdom quest but rather on a search for pleasure and happiness. It comes very naturally to be guided by our feelings and emotions and not by reason and the yearning to live in harmony with what is true. In other words, our quest for pleasure and happiness takes priority over reason and sound decision-making that leads to our personal well-being.

Supreme Court photo 3 Alabama News
Guest Editorial: Remembering Trump's list of 23 potential justices

Presidents do come and go, but federal judges are appointed for life. It has been often stated that the real legacy of any President is their appointments to the federal bench. Trump, in an unprecedented manner, published for the world to see his top list of 23 he promised to pick from, if a seat on the nation’s highest court experienced a vacancy.

Parker snider Alabama News
Parker Snider: School choice advocate wins GOP runoff for South Carolina State Superintendent

The head of a conservative think tank that seeks to expand school choice has won the runoff race for the Republican nominee for State Superintendent in South Carolina.

Matt Clark Alabama News
Matt Clark: Jefferson County DA won't enforce state abortion law

In an act of shame, Jefferson County District Attorney Danny Carr signed a letter written by a George Soros-backed organization and joined by over 80 other district attorneys stating that they would not enforce their states’ laws protecting unborn children from abortion.

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