Listen to 1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss her recent Op-Ed that government can't produce money, taxpayers do, as well as how Alabama stacks up to neighboring states in terms of tax cuts over the past few years.
It’s rare that elected officials of all ideological stripes agree on how to spend money, and it’s even rarer that elected officials agree regarding cutting taxes. What is clearly unanimous in the state of Alabama is widespread understanding, and literally everyone is in agreement that state coffers are overflowing.
What if the revolutionaries of the past failed to understand what they had torn down? What if the progressive builders of yesteryear never wished to understand what they had destroyed in the first place? What if they were so intoxicated by their sublime vision of ‘the new thing’ — a new day, a new man, a new human nature, a new science, a new religion — that they destroyed many things worth saving?
Listen to 1819 News Reporter Craig Monger on The Jeff Poor Show as they discuss the election lawsuit, Lindy Blanchard's withdrawal from it and Don Siegelman joining it.
Difficult times will show you what someone is made of. Difficult times will also show you whether or not someone has the ability to lead others. What will that person do when difficulties arise? If that person is a leader, or the head of a household, or the boss at the business, what will they say or do to show those whom they lead that there is a way forward and here’s how we get there together?
I’ve been around cops since I was a kid. Right off the bat, we learned police officers were the good guys and that if you did something really bad, you might end up in a horrible place called jail.
Some fool once called her “white trash.” And that’s when she made up her mind. She wanted to better herself, and her family. So, that’s what she did.
School choice for every family, regardless of income, zip code or social status, has become reality in Arizona.
This week, President Biden signed a bill that Congress passed, authorizing the IRS to hire 87,000 new employees. I was hoping that Joe Manchin would hold the line in the Senate.
“Alabama budgets are in great shape.” That was the message last week from the Alabama Legislative Services Agency’s deputy director Kirk Fulford to a joint meeting of the legislative budget committees in Montgomery.
In 1999, when the Florida legislature was first considering a meaningful school choice program, opponents predicted the worst. Governor Bush’s plan to offer vouchers to students in failing schools would “kill public education,” according to Leon Russell, then the chairman of the Florida Chapter of the NAACP.
We are living in unprecedented times. The tyrannical Biden administration and Marxist-liberal Democrats are doing everything possible to tear down America. Never in our lifetime have we witnessed the unrestrained use of power and authority by our government — carried out at the expense of individual liberty.
Listen to 1819 News Reporter Will Blakely on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss the drama surrounding the University of Alabama sorority rush and accusations that a pledge was wearing a wire for a news organization.
I'd planned to write about motherhood. It was based on a conversation Larry Taunton and I had a few weeks ago. But the more I researched the topic, the more discouraged I became.
Listen to 1819 News Reporter Will Blakely on The Jeff Poor Show as they discuss the different types of libertarianism and libertarian chances in the upcoming elections now that they have ballot access.
Recently, API began a project to gather information from school board members from across the state in an effort to inform parents and the general public about how elected and appointed school board members felt about issues such as Critical Race Theory, Social Emotional Learning, school choice and education related equity.
There are few things a reclusive introvert and political malcontent (such as I am) loathes more than attending a large political fundraiser dinner party. Alas, there I was at the center of the Alabama GOP’s Summer Dinner, feeling like a distraught stranger in a strange land.
The questions now facing the nation as well as Alabama’s state government are how did America get into this situation, and how to fix it. There are two basic answers: monetary policy and fiscal policy. They work in tandem. Both created the problem, and both are needed to correct it.
It’s a phrase you’ve probably heard before. The phrase has been attributed over time to Thomas Paine, General George Patton and even Lee Iacocca, but whoever it was that said it I would hazard the guess that it was someone with a strong personality, a sense of mission and the need to get something very important done.
Have you ever thought about how common it is for people to fake it through life? That is, to show yourself to be something you’re not?
Earlier this week, the FBI raided President Trump’s residence in Mar-a-Lago, Florida. Was the raid legal, and if so, was it prudent? Or was this just another political witch hunt and an unprecedented weaponization of the Justice Department against a political opponent? The stakes are high, so we need answers.
As the Legislature heads towards its 2023 regular legislative session, calls for Medicaid expansion are likely to increase. Alabama remains one of 12 states that has not expanded coverage under Obamacare.
Listen to 1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith on Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan as they discuss the Respect for Marriage Act.
Listen to 1819 News Contributor Amie Beth Shaver on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss the trans transfer at UA who is seeking sorority membership.
Minnie Mouse has traded in her dress for a pant suit. United Way Worldwide hosted a 21-Day Race Equity Challenge with guidelines for being “strong white allies” such as “assum[ing] racism is everywhere, every day” and to “understand and learn from the history of whiteness and racism.”
We are in a battle for our culture, our values, our country, and our freedom. Anti-God, anti-liberty Marxist-Liberal Democrats are promoting transgenderism, destroying the innocence children and tearing down our country’s military with forced fake vaccines.
Last week, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that the country’s economic growth rate had dropped by 0.9 percent, falling for the second straight quarter.