Say you thought the human race could not be trusted with their freedom. How would you go about subjugating a people proud of their...
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right? At least that’s the prevailing common-sense rule that most people agree with. But have you...
Joe Biden’s time in the White House has been an unmitigated disaster. He has presided over one failure after another with the crisis...
Back in the 1960s, Dionne Warwick recorded a hit song, What the World Needs Now is Love. It has remained popular over the years, not...
Have you heard of the latest woke criteria by which we must structure our lives? This one is called ESG, and evaluates companies on...
I would have choked on my Cheerios, if I had been eating any, or sprayed my Diet Coke, if I had been drinking one. Fortunately for...
The Left constantly plays the race card to shame Conservatives and silence our voices. As a result, this keeps us on the defense. We...
"Do you know what happened?" It was Chris. I could not read his voice. I was at a volleyball tournament with Molly. I'd watched the...
When the Alabama Legislature returns from its spring break next week, there will be just seven legislative days remaining in the 2022...
Letter to the Editor: Every election for every public office is important in a democracy. In the upcoming election, the election for...
We can forgive a man who loses his temper, but to lose one’s temperance lock, stock and barrel? That is a damnable offense. Without...
Gaslighting is a term that has been used in the field of psychology for years but has only recently become a term that many people...
Charlene and I were talking recently about what it’s like to try to interpret God’s will. To be sure, He is a God of clarity, not a...
Have you ever thought about how profoundly our lives are shaped by the presence of the people in our lives? Recently I was speaking...
On Tuesday of this week, Rep. Chip Brown introduced two “lottery only” bills in the Alabama House of Representatives — House Bill 501...
Finances are not my thing. I don’t like to touch budgets, investing, or the like with a 10-foot pole. But in the spirit of being an...
Alabama gas prices recently broke a record: the price of gas is now higher than it has ever been in state history. But just like record...
Scott Stantis lives in Birmingham and is currently the editorial cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune. He previously was the staff cartoonist...
This is the final series on the successful strategy of Frederick Douglass, our country’s greatest American Dream Story: 1st...
Start with Blue. That’s your safest bet when filling out your NCAA Tournament bracket this year – and you know you will. Millions of...
Birmingham hosts the World Games this July, an Olympics-like competition for non-Olympic sports. The lineup includes softball, bowling,...
Raise your hand. Who struggled with math? I did. But I was never allowed to dumb it down. Were you? Of course not. Because no one...
Federal spending continues to rise, and Alabama Senator Richard Shelby (R-Tuscaloosa) is behind it again. Late last week, Congress...
Only in Alabama could we turn blessings into curses. We all know the rule: if you don’t have anything nice to say in the Heart of Dixie,...
We went on a quick road trip this week that brought us through our third hometown: Mobile, Alabama. While there, we had to drive out...
The Alabama legislature is currently debating banning the practice of gender-related hormone therapy and surgery. The bill would prohibit...
Location, location, location. That’s the old rule in real estate, right? You can have the best house in the worst neighborhood and...