Rise to the Moment of Truth Tuesday, February 4, 2025


File 65deaba7 d685 4ff3 b95e 9750ceb64313 Alabama News
Sean of the South: Alabama or bust!

By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South  So I guess we’re moving. My wife, Jamie, has been looking at houses for several months now, ever...

File 48050ada 02d1 494c ae49 6fbf68131d31 Alabama News
Randy Tatano: The Yankees are coming ... but we won't bite

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that there is currently a mass exodus from the Northeast to places in the South. While...

File 347ce2a7 b52c 4247 8b75 c565659929ff Alabama News
Perry Hooper: Mask Mandate Madness

There is no greater concern or priority for parents than the health and welfare of their children.  This must be one of our nation’s...

File 23969880 2cdc 4d03 b7ac 0696b9ef39ec Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Legislature has made a good start at tax cuts, but can think bigger, bolder

As the Alabama Legislature gets set to resume the 2022 regular session this week, legislation to take less from Alabamians by cutting...

File 0ba38ce9 20f5 48eb 9840 5c5a449603cc Alabama News
Caylah Coffeen: School choice - have we picked the right battlefield?

There are so many problems in the education system these days that I started to think many people had just thrown up their hands and...

File 36cc1ae1 d37b 418d 8df9 af6a453e3e6a Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Explaining 'Frederick Douglass Republicans'

Some people assume incorrectly the name Frederick Douglass Republicans refers to a minority sub-group of the GOP or that it is a name...

File 9e225bc4 cdc3 4ab0 b0ab 1e68954bbb2e Alabama News
Ray Melick: Is the AEA really saying that one in 10 students is ready to bail on public school?

It is a startling statistic: one out of every 10 students would leave public school for an alternative manner of education, given the...

File efdaebdb e522 4539 92fc 8848e81c7bd9 Alabama News
API: The Parent’s Choice Act can be a game-changer for Alabama students

By Caleb Crosby, Phil Williams, Carl Jones, Parker Snider, and Justin Bogie For over 18 months now, we’ve watched as states around...

File 0603672f f99d 43e4 b7ad 89c1d8aaba4b Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Standing on the shoulders of giants

Stop regarding man, of what account is he? “I can't speak out. It wouldn't be nice." Or, "I can't argue. They're the authority. That's...

File a904a332 d378 44ee ac61 39fe9c89e6f9 Alabama News
Guest Editorial: Constitutional Carry should be approved in Alabama

By Rep. Shane Stringer (R-HD102) and John R. Lott, Jr. Gun-control advocates keep making the same predictions of doom and bloodshed...

File a8e4c3f4 5b39 4c09 9dfb 6227fbab3f15 Alabama News
Joey Clark: Is our education system just a long, drawn-out joke?

In the last days of my academic career, a final college course delivered the punchline to a long, drawn-out joke. By that time, I was...

File 3dc74963 0300 4004 a47c 5c16600d4bab Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Unanimity Is Rarely a Good Thing in Policy Making

126-1. That’s how the Alabama Legislature voted last week on a bill to allocate the remaining $772 million from the first half of Alabama’s...

File 9aa105c8 64e3 4662 95d0 d037d966e2d2 Alabama News
Krissie Allen: A great opportunity in the "Great Resignation"

As employees resign from jobs at record rates as part of “The Great Resignation,” many are looking for more meaning from their work...

File 32972d0e dd6e 47d5 ae79 73f2e96f3658 Alabama News
Phil Williams: When politicians lose their air cover

In Army slang, I am a ground-pounder. My personal background in the military includes time in the Infantry, both straight-leg and airborne....

File 6a991f70 4c9f 49cd 8256 eda8fb11568b Alabama News
Guest Editorial: Every day should be Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

As a nation, we recently mourned on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday the almost sixty-two million babies of all races killed by abortion...

File f999a6d0 b9bb 4c13 b781 8cdf62846153 Alabama News
Sean of the South: The Country Gentleman

By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South  Danny and the boys arrived late to the nursing home. They were running behind schedule because...

File 40c8e05e 17fe 402a 8c10 dd65a9f41b87 Alabama News
Richard Simmons: As life gets better, life gets worse

A number of years ago, Forbes Magazine celebrated 75 years as a publication. They issued a special edition that you would have thought...

File c07a51ba 928a 4706 9cb1 04995609271f Alabama News
Ray Melick: Forget Black or White, we need districts that hold elected officials accountable

When that federal three-judge panel ruled that Alabama’s redistricting plan passed by the legislature in a 2021 special session violated...

File 6018e7a8 2bac 4c41 a101 59e1f5c2e96e Alabama News
Caylah Coffeen: Fighting when we should be identifying

It’s a new year, a new semester, and young people are generally back in person at colleges. But what demographics are represented these...

File 9287d0de ecf2 4462 910d 6b5e0d25ed12 Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Turkey-Republicans

The 2022 Primary Election season is in full swing. With the Alabama Primaries scheduled for May 24, Republican candidates are committing...

File 0a5647c0 e9c0 4a9d 92e6 dafc85ffe7b6 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: 'What are you looking at, ugly?'

The phrase, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” is a lie from the pit of hell. Can we please agree...

File 539aa458 e997 41a8 9898 03695192304e Alabama News
Chad Mathis: Exchanging healthcare heroes for healthcare scapegoats

Recently, the Supreme Court upheld a Biden vaccine mandate that would require all healthcare providers at facilities participating...

File 30c75678 9465 4dde af3d ee416ee6043b Alabama News
Guest Editorial: This perpetual state of emergency has forgotten 'we the people'

By Stephanie Holden Smith   The state of Alabama – our state - has been in a perpetual “state of emergency” since Governor Kay Ivey...

File a13bb6d3 4208 4394 a9b8 332fa609805b Alabama News
Matt Clark: The Moore-Corfman case is far more important than you realize

This week, Leigh Corfman’s lawsuit against Roy Moore for defamation finally goes to trial. After Roy Moore, the two-time Chief Justice...

File a9ebcd9c 3c96 4d01 84e2 4eb998387a80 Alabama News
Krissie Allen: Prioritize the offense, or taking the battle inside out

Christians have been increasingly playing defense in society’s culture wars. Much of this is owed to progressives attempting to mock,...

File 966f92f9 e8ee 42f9 b3b2 eaf069a0fc3c Alabama News
Joey Clark: Better to take risks than to live in fear

Contrary to partisan bugaboos, the United States remains an exceptional nation, even in regard to its own unique despotism. While partisans...

File a949252a 3f6e 4486 a6e0 f7554ba41305 Alabama News
Phil Williams: Hey, Twitter! I'm your huckleberry!

Well, it's official.  I have joined the ranks of those who have been banned from Twitter. Somehow, someway, I offended the gods of...

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