Rise to the Moment of Truth Friday, February 7, 2025

1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

Nathaniel Ledbetter Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Despite ‘historic’ session, there’s more work to be done on tax relief

The 2023 session saw the legislature enact the largest budgets in state history. And while progress was made on tax relief efforts, more of your money should be returned to you.

Mo Brooks Alabama News
Joey Clark: Mo Brooks should stop ripping old wounds open

I am sick of seeing ugly shows of self-inflicted pain done in vain. I am nauseated from witnessing conservative politicians fall on the sword of their principles to no considerable effect whatsoever.

Racist Alabama News
Phil Williams: Racist if you do, racist if you don't

The Supreme Court of the United States will soon announce whether Alabama’s congressional district lines are racist.

Ice Cream Alabama News
Randy Tatano: Eating ice cream 101

As summer heats up, here's a few facts about our favorite frozen dessert.

Old House Alabama News
Ashley Carter: Memories are moments you carry with you for a lifetime

It’s not about the house structure itself, it's about the people who are in it. Cherish those people, cherish those moments, and take your memories with you wherever you go.

Baseball Alabama News
Sean of the South: Miracle league

There was excitement in the air. The same kind of under-the-surface joy that precedes all ball games. Only more so. Because, you see, this was a Miracle League game.

Mrs Doubtfire IMDB Alabama News
Daniel Taylor: What God meant for comedy, the devil meant for drag

Common sense should tell us there’s a clear difference between what’s meant for comedy and what’s meant for, well, something entirely different.

Copperhead Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Snakes beneath our feet

Our legislators seemed to panic and go mute this session when they saw snakes beneath their feet.

Alabama Capitol Alabama News
Mike Ball: Shining light on the cockroaches of corruption

Corruption is like cockroaches moving freely in the darkness, but when the lights come on, it scurries to find a dark hiding place.   

Erica Thomas with Sean Sullivan Alabama News
Erica Thomas talks the backlash companies are experiencing because of their support for transgenderism on FM Talk 1065

Listen to 1819 News Editor-at-Large Erica Thomas on "Midday Mobile" with Sean Sullivan as they discuss the backlash companies such as Bud Light and Target are experiencing because of their support for the transgender agenda.

Pride Parade Alabama News
Matt Clark: Pride goes before the fall

Unless you’re color-blind, you can’t help but notice that it looks like a box of crayons threw up all over the country on June 1.

Tax Relief2 Alabama News
Justin Bogie: What relief bills are still alive as the 2023 regular session nears its end?

Time is running out. Many bills that sought to reduce the tax burden of Alabamians have officially died. But several tax relief bills remained alive as Wednesday’s committee meetings wrapped up.

Statehouse Alabama News
Jeff Poor breaks down the legislative session as it comes to an end on ‘Alabama’s Morning News with JT’ on NewsRadio 105.5 WERC

Listen to 1819 News Executive Editor Jeff Poor on iHeart Radio with JT as they discuss the missed opportunities for the overwhelmingly "conservative" Alabama Legislature to pass conservative legislation.

Target Alabama News
Allen Keller: The perils of doing business in 'post-democratic America'

Recent developments in our corporate sector have shown a tendency for mistakes, even among our country’s presumably most capable CEOs.

Debt ceiling limit myfederalretirement com Alabama News
Justin Bogie talks the Alabama portion of the federal debt limit deal on News Talk 93.1 'News & Views'

Listen to 1819 News Fiscal and Budget Reporter Justin Bogie on "News & Views" with Joey Clark as they discuss the federal debt limit deal, of which Alabama receives approximately $60 billion per year.

IOU Alabama News
Justin Bogie: U.S. debt limit crisis appears diverted, but will fundamental problems be addressed?

The proposed debt limit agreement will not solve the fundamental spending and debt issues that the U.S. government faces. Rather, it merely delays those decisions until after the 2024 presidential election.

Power Hungry Alabama News
Joey Clark: Betraying liberty’s creed by political deed

The lust to dominate, the libido dominandi, does not discriminate between left or right, Christian conservative or secular progressive. It infiltrates all. 

Memorial Day Alabama News
Phil Williams: Always remember and never forget

Memorial Day is designed for us to always remember, and never forget. Those words may sound synonymous but they really aren’t. 

Depression Alabama News
Ashley Carter: God will carry you through the storm

After weeks of anxiety and many unknowns, I turned to my physician for help rather than my pastor. I know that in some instances we need both, but my situation proved otherwise.

Money 3 Alabama News
KCarl Smith: How does the U.S. government get the money to meet our financial obligations?

Our government spends much more than it has or will collect, and to pay our bills, we must find somewhere to get the needed extra money. 

Graduation Alabama News
Sean of the South: Class of 2023

Practical life advice for the year's graduates.

Lawyer Alabama News
Matt Clark: Why ‘DEI’ would spell ‘DIE’ in the legal profession

Instead of a fair assessment of how much a lawyer knows, the NextGen exam focuses on diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI for short.

AL State House Lon Worley Alabama News
Justin Bogie talks the status of the various conservative legislative proposals on FM Talk 1065

Listen to 1819 News Fiscal and Budget Reporter Justin Bogie on "Midday Mobile" with Sean Sullivan as they discuss the "conservative" legislature's apparent running out the clock on various proposals popular with Alabama's citizens in order to please AEA & MASA.

AL Legislature Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Largest state budgets in history poised for final passage

The overarching theme of the two budgets is that the size and scope of Alabama’s government is growing to new record levels. Neither does enough to provide permanent tax relief to Alabamians, and time is running out.

Brittney Griner Alabama News
Lauren DeMoss Benson: Brittney Griner grows up and begins appreciating America

Perhaps “feeling older” means Griner is growing up to recognize that while our nation is far from perfect, it is still the best place on earth to live, and the lies she had been sold by the left were nothing more than seeds of hatred sown by slander.

Tax cut shutterstock 261878228 todayshotelier com Alabama News
Justin Bogie talks the tax legislation pending before the legislature on News Talk 93.1 'News & Views'

Listen to 1819 News Fiscal and Budget Reporter Justin Bogie on "News & Views" with Joey Clark as they discuss the various tax bills pending before the legislature, while combined they don't come close to the $2 billion in recent Georgia tax cuts.

AL Senate Ashley Carter Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Is the Alabama Senate letting tax relief efforts slowly die?

Alabama’s government had a more than $3 billion combined budget surplus entering 2023. Yet lawmakers still seem reluctant to give “too much” of that surplus back to its rightful owners.

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