The talk of the legislature pursuing meaningful tax cuts during the 2023 regular session continues to pick up momentum.
Courage is the great need of the hour, and thankfully we have folks in Alabama leading the way.
Are we willing to use our freedom of speech, to tell the truth, even if that truth is costly?
Listen to 1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss protecting the innocence of children and the left's call for amnesty for their COVID overreach.
We are asking our children to carry loads that are entirely too heavy for them.
It’s easy to love one’s friends, sure, but to love one’s enemies? Such is a radical break from history’s violent cycle of eye for an eye.
If we don’t take the steps necessary to ensure that our nation's greatness and the sacrifices of our founders are accurately remembered, then we will one day be like the burning forgotten cemetery lost in the middle of the woods, and “nobody knew it was there."
In a world full of confusion and uncertainty, taking the time to show a little extra kindness and compassion is never a bad idea.
Back in the day, people thought I had a glamour job as a television reporter, and on occasion, it felt that way.
I was only 7 years old when the “lunch counter sit-ins” began to happen all over the South, and I remember it well.
America’s labor force participation rate has fallen for two decades, with large drops during the Great Recession and COVID-19 pandemic. Alabama’s rate trails the national average, potentially hamstringing our economy.
Earlier this morning, I was on a radio show. The host drilled me with loaded questions. It was a disaster. I was supposed to be plugging my new book, instead the host was asking slanted questions about hot-button, divisive topics.
Parents need to take control of what is being taught in schools and not let the "professionals" fill their kids' minds with a bunch of garbage.
Let me explain why and what would be at stake if the Justice Department had been allowed to get away with beating up Eagle Forum.
Listen to 1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith on Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan as they discuss the fact that the CDC has no power to mandate but to merely recommend, the conflicts of interest of CDC officials making recommendations and the attorneys general letter to the CDC asking them to not treat children as guinea pigs.
Alabama's fourth and eighth-grade mathematics scores have lacked improvement since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, a report shows.
Listen to 1819 News Contributor Amie Beth Shaver on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss social media censorship and the awakening that parents experienced after COVID lockdowns allowed them to see what their children were being taught.
Among the greatest gifts Frederick Douglass gave Americans during his life and today was to make us understand the truth about how elite Democrat slave plantation owners were exploiting black Americans.
State Sen. Garlan Gudger (R-Cullman) said that a portion of the record surplus should be used to pay off existing state debt and the remainder to “create a savings account.”
We will not hand our culture over to queer theorists and gender Marxists.
Listen to 1819 News Reporter Will Blakely on The Jeff Poor Show as they discuss the recently released NAEP scores and a ranking of Alabama cities based on a cost of living/crime rate ratio.
Listen to 1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss the CDC's addition of the COVID jabs to the childhood vaccine schedule (which doesn't apply to Alabama), how the state health officer is appointed by a lobbying group, and how the state's regressive grocery tax needs to be repealed.
The CDC cannot require children to get vaccinations to attend school.
Do Alabama’s legislators and lobbyists have it too good?
Legally, ethically, mentally and morally, the Biden student loan bailout is a bad idea fraught with negative second and third-order effects. It cannot go forward, and all necessary action should be taken to stop it.
The convoluted language that is supposed to “inform” voters has gone too far.
Take time to enjoy the opportunities to see the joy in the little imperfections that we call life.