Rise to the Moment of Truth Wednesday, January 15, 2025

1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

school children Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: Educational freedom should mean freedom for every Alabama student

School Choice is a hot button issue in Alabama and nationwide. But what is school choice? More importantly, what is it not, and what should or could it be?

Phil williams Alabama News
Phil Williams: Saint Maurice proved 'doin' right ain't hard'

The Order of Saint Maurice medallion is an award given to honor those who are inducted into the Order for their roles contributing to or serving in the U.S. Army Infantry. 

Ashley Carter Alabama News
Ashley Carter: Being a woman is a beautiful thing

As I got older, I began to realize that all of the things that I loved doing came naturally to me. I loved holding the little babies, and I didn’t mind taking care of the home and cooking. I enjoyed all of it and knew in my heart that I wanted to be a mom.

Jim Cantore screenshot Alabama News
Randy Tatano: Hurricane coverage needs a change

So, why do we cover hurricanes the way we do? Because many years ago some television executive decided we needed to be “dramatic.”

Sean of the South NEW Alabama News
Sean of the South: Autumn in Birmingham

The first day of fall arrived in Birmingham. It came frighteningly quick. Yesterday it was summer, hotter than the hinges of hades. This morning it was cold as gumballs.

Electric Vehicles, charging Alabama News
Emma Gibney: The free market should drive electric vehicle sales, not the government

These “incentives,” in the form of government subsidies, have been utilized to create a market for electric vehicles. In reality, the market’s demand for electric vehicles doesn’t match the current interest with government regulation and subsidies.

1819 Bryan Dawson Alabama News
1819 News CEO Bryan Dawson talks COVID-19 on News Talk 93.1 News & Views

Listen to 1819 News CEO Bryan Dawson on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss Landen Williams and his battle with macro and micro blood clots resulting from COVID-19, and Landen's thankfulness that he didn't get the COVID jabs which would have made his condition worse.

Supreme court Alabama News
Matt Clark: Alabama should win its congressional redistricting case

On Tuesday, October 4, the United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on whether the people of Alabama, get to create its congressional district maps or whether the ACLU’s experts get to create them instead. 

Alabama flag money Alabama News
Caleb Crosby: APR's Joey Kennedy wrong about Alabama Policy Institute on tax reform — 'Flat-out lies'

This week, Alabama Political Reporter columnist Joey Kennedy went on a patently false attack against the Alabama Policy Institute. His main claim was that API’s proposed $750 million in tax cuts would only benefit the “rich and weird.”

Stephanie Holden Smith Alabama News
1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith talks the true concept of separation of church and state on FM Talk 1065

Listen to 1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith on Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan as they discuss the true concept of separation of church and state which is designed to keep the government from establishing a state religion, and the new state religion of "wokeness" the left is striving to establish.

Iran flag Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Iran in revolt, again

Control over Iran's government has shifted back and forth by revolutions and coups for much longer than the last 100 years, and it's all heavily influenced by control over the country’s oil. 

1819 Erica Alabama News
1819 News Editor-at-Large Erica Thomas talks the 'death notebook' belatedly revealed at Hewitt-Trussville High School on News Talk 93.1 News & Views

Listen to 1819 News Editor-at-Large Erica Thomas on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss the "death notebook" revealed to the public one year after it was discovered by school officials, but only after the student made more threats.

Book with title Sex education on a table. stock photo Alabama News
Pat Ellis: Pornography in Alabama schools and youth organizations? You be the judge

Texas and Alabama parents share the same problem. The difference; Texas parents know it, and Alabama parents don’t! 

1819 March Portraits 27 Alabama News
1819 News Reporter Craig Monger talks the Alabama Campaign for Adolescent Sexual Health on FM Talk 1065

Listen to 1819 News Reporter Craig Monger on The Jeff Poor Show as they discuss the Alabama Campaign for Adolescent Sexual Health (ACASH) and its inappropriate content.

Stephanie Holden Smith Alabama News
1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith talks the proper understanding of the separation of church and state on News Talk 93.1 News & Views

Listen to 1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss the proper understanding of the separation of church and state: to protect the church from state overreach.

Separation of church and state Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: Understanding the separation of church and state

Despite the father of our country’s admonition and caution, many Americans have a fundamental misunderstanding of the role of religion in our country and society.

AL Capitol Brian Moats Alabama News
Joey Clark: 8 bold predictions on the future of Alabama politics

Though I possess no special gift of foresight, allow me to venture a few small predictions about the future of Alabama politics. 

API Phil Williams Alabama News
Phil Williams: America deserves the best of the best

You may have heard of Sir Ernest Shackleton, the famous explorer who launched a mission to explore Antarctica over a century ago. I have read that the outcome of his Antarctic mission was deemed both a great failure and one of the greatest human achievements ever. Legend has it that when Shackleton was looking for men, he didn't want any galavanters or dandies, so he ran a very blunt ad that said precisely what was needed.

Oak Tree Alabama News
Ashley Carter: The oak tree

There once sat a tall oak tree on the very top of the property owned by my family. I distinctly remember it as a child. It was tall and majestic — one of those things you could never forget. My grandparents had farmed the land and kept it up, so while there for the summers, I spent many days around that tree. 

Tim James Alabama News
Tim James: Rosh Hashanah – ‘Tis the season of transition

I write this letter to you, the people of Alabama, as a warning to those who serve on governmental mountains and to the Church, meaning my fellow Christians. 

Uconn Alabama News
Randy Tatano: Student at a lousy football college

I attended the University of Connecticut, located in the middle-of-nowhere town of Storrs. Which we all referred to as “Snores” since it was a boring place with nothing to do.

Sean of the south Alabama News
Sean of the South: Jefferson, Alabama

Jefferson, Alabama, is the epitome of small. The population here isn’t big enough to form a decent baseball team.

Business concepts, cutting tax stock photo Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Lower taxes, better education are keys to attracting business to Alabama, not incentives

The Alabama Jobs Act is set to expire on July 31, 2023, meaning that economic incentives could be a major topic during next year’s regular legislative session. 

Constitution American Flag theusconstitution org Alabama News
Matt Clark: The evangelical case for originalism

If you don’t know what originalism is, it’s the view that the Constitution should be interpreted according to its words as they were understood at the time of its ratification.

Baseball MLB Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Democrat elites vs. black baseball players and fans

Some of the best baseball players to ever grace the diamond were denied entry to the Major Leagues solely because they were African-American. Instead, they performed in the “Negro Leagues,” in the shadows of the Majors, until 1947.

Child Psychiatry scpctms com Alabama News
Diana Crews: Parents need to opt their kids out of Biden's Unity Agenda

We are seeing the government create wars in the minds of our children.

Covid-19 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: The COVID-19 lies are crumbling

One Sunday afternoon last September, we wrested control from an unaccountable government. That day in a packed ballroom, we learned how to combat COVID lies. 

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