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Rise to the Moment of Truth Monday, October 28, 2024

1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

Swat Alabama News
Joey Clark: 'Swatting' deserves more than a slap on the wrist

“Swatting” should be a felony in Alabama. 

Proverbs Alabama News
Jim Zeigler: A powerful 2024 New Year’s resolution; different and difference-making

Proverbs is called “the book of wisdom.” It contains and explains dozens, maybe hundreds, of common sense guidelines for more Godly living. It’s a how-to book for everyday life.

John Ed Mathison Alabama News
Montgomery Rev. John Ed Mathison suggests patterning these Bible characters for your New Year

As we all start a New Year, John Ed, as almost everyone calls him, has made a common sense suggestion for a New Year’s resolution, really for a life change.

AEA gator sign Alabama News
Bryan Dawson: ‘Don’t molest the alligators’ and other bizarre warnings

It seems that every sacred profession is in a major state of decay, which is also evidence of massive societal decline.

COP28 Alabama News
Phil Williams: It's time for a COP-out

The United Nations' Climate Change Conference (COP) is a joke, but the COP is also serious. It is past time for the U.S. to instigate a COP-out.

Alabama Football Running Out of Tunnel Alabama News
Dr. Daniel Sutter: The World Economic Forum and college football

Next year might witness the inclusion of a three- or four-loss team over a two-loss team. And looming more significantly is who matters in college football and society: the participants or the experts.

Time Alabama News
Ashley Carter: Time is a thief

As you prepare for the new year, writing down your resolutions, I pray that you will join me in making a promise to the people who matter most.

Young Love Alabama News
Sean of the South: Dear Sean

“You don’t get married, because it’s the smart thing. You get married because a man is incomplete until he’s married.”

Gathering Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: 'What can I do?' Simple ways for the average Alabamian to save our state

“How do we get involved? Are there examples of what we can do?” 

drugs money Alabama News
Jim Zeigler: Congressional push to restrict negotiating for lower drug prices

With all the divisiveness in American politics and government, there is at least one issue with overwhelming support — almost unanimous. Just about everybody is for lower drug prices.

Parents Child Alabama News
Charles ‘Kip’ Kiplinger: Parents and their influence on the politics of the future

In retrospect, conservatism wasn't something imposed upon me; it evolved because I had two parents who were present, caring, and dedicated to guiding me in the right direction.

kids in school, education Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: Let's start putting students first

Let’s stop funding systems and start empowering parents. Let’s start putting students first. 

Tears Alabama News
Kristin Landers: When the holiday season is hard

To say this season has been an emotional one would be an understatement. It’s devastating to watch someone you love in the sunset of their life.

Living Nativity Alabama News
Col. John Eidsmoe: Christmas wars 2023 – who won?

The Christmas Wars – at root a worldview conflict between those who want to celebrate Christmas as a Christian holiday and those who want to secularize or ignore it – continued this year.

voters voting booth Alabama News
Charles Kiplinger: Continually hyping voter fraud could depress turnout in the 2024 election

Vote as if your city, county, state, and country depend on it – because they do. 

Boxing Day Alabama News
Jim Zeigler: What is ‘Boxing Day,' December 26?

I had never been curious enough to research "Boxing Day,” so all I knew about it was that it was the day after Christmas, December 26.

Angry Crowd Alabama News
Joey Clark: 2024, the year of mutually assured destruction in American politics

American democracy keeps killing the thing it theoretically loves – individual liberty – yet American democracy does not die. 

Baldwin County Schools Alabama News
Rebecca Watson: An open letter to the Baldwin County Board of Education

"I have many questions about this curriculum, which could easily be answered if you honored my request. The fact that you won’t is interesting, particularly since your own website stresses the importance of parental involvement."

WWI Truce Alabama News
Phil Williams: The Christmas truce

Christmas has a way of changing things. As surely as the history and faith of the world changed in a lowly Bethlehem manger over 2,000 years ago, there are still moments today that cannot be explained except to say that the spirit of Christmas overcame the worst of circumstances.

immigration, border Alabama News
KCarl Smith: U.S. immigration – a reflection on freedom

Frederick Douglass stood as the most profound advocate for “legal” immigration. For instance, in an 1867 Boston speech titled "Composite Nation," Douglass welcomed Chinese immigrants as contributors to the nation's wealth and resources... as long as they came legally.

Pilgrims Christmas Alabama News
Will Sellers: The failure of the Pilgrims’ first Christmas

The Pilgrims’ first Christmas in the New World was remarkable, but not for the reasons you’d think. On December...

Manger Alabama News
Ashley Carter: A precious gift

When we have Jesus, the giver of life, truth, peace, comfort, and joy, we have all we need.

Pageant Alabama News
Sean of the South: The nativity

The manger was made of cardboard. It was stuffed with fresh hay. Genuine hay from the hardware store. The Christchild was a naked Cabbage Patch doll from Brianna Smith’s personal collection. Orange yarn for hair. Jesus was a redhead.

Child abuse, child trafficking Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: Setting the captives free at Christmas

While we fill our weekend with holly jolly, coupling it with holy reverence, it’s important to remember why Christ came: to set the captives free.

20130808 Sutter Daniel 9962 Studio HS Alabama News
Dr. Daniel Sutter: School choice and its impact on the RSA

I find Dr. David Bronner’s opposition to school choice surprising given the RSA’s commitment to Alabama economic development through investments.

Taylor Swift Alabama News
Nick Treglia: Taylor Swift and the pendulum swings of culture

Ultimately, changing the culture is a temporary solution; what we need are people insulated from it, whose lives and views are unaffected no matter which way the pendulum swings.

Barry Moore Alabama News
U.S. Rep. Barry Moore: The NDAA — another D.C. dish du jour

If the only way to get a bill passed through a Republican-majority House is to get a majority of the Democrats to also vote for it, then you can be 100% certain it’s full of unsavory ingredients that will trample your freedoms and spend more of your hard-earned tax dollars on a woke, weaponized and wasteful agenda.  

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