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1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

Sean of the south Alabama News
Sean of the South: 2023

The dusk is reflecting off Douglas Lake. I am nestled in the French Broad River valley, seated on the porch of a log cabin, watching the Great Smoky Mountains continue to be Great.

2023 new year's resolution list Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Five resolutions for Alabama’s government in 2023

The new year is a time for all Alabamians to reflect on the past and make new resolutions for change. A few resolutions for Alabama’s government are in order to improve the lives of its citizens and the state’s job creators.

API Justin Bogie Alabama News
Justin Bogie talks the Senator Richard Shelby legacy on News Talk 93.1 News & Views

Listen to the Alabama Policy Institute's Senior Director of Fiscal Policy Justin Bogie on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss the legacy of Richard Shelby and the hope that the new Congress will rein in spending to drive down historic inflation.

Lincoln Memorial Alabama News
Joey Clark: Politics as the art of the possible

If politics is truly the “art of the possible,” how exactly would you know what was possible under the powerful aegis of political control? 

DEI blocks Alabama News
Phil Williams: Where merit goes to die

DEI is where merit goes to die, where failure becomes an acceptable norm, and success becomes a crime. We must return to being a merit-based society.

New Year Alabama News
Randy Tatano: Resolutions society needs

Here are the suggested New Year resolutions that should cover everyone in some shape or form.

Prayer, faith Alabama News
Ashley Carter: A new year centered around Christ and not ourselves

Even in the midst of all the uncertainty and inconveniences we face, we know God is with us. We know that His plan is perfect and there is a reason for everything. If we go into this next year knowing and trusting in that, how much of a difference would that make for you and everyone around you?

Fentanyl, drugs Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Fentanyl is a scourge that’s ravaging our state and nation

Fen­tanyl works by bind­ing to the body’s opi­oid re­cep­tors—found in the ar­eas of the brain that con­trol pain and emo­tions, ac­cord­ing to the Na­tional In­sti­tute on Drug Abuse.

Twitter Alabama News
Matt Clark: The Twitter Files and COVID

Elon Musk revealed that Twitter actively worked with the government to suppress information about COVID-19 that the government did not like.

COVID vaccine Alabama News
KCarl Smith: We are not your slaves

There are plenty of reasons to suspect that the many thousands of unexpected deaths of young athletes and others in our country over the last two years have resulted from jabs of the government-mandated/promoted fake vaccines.  

Sen. Richard Shelby Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Richard Shelby’s retirement could mean less federal dependency, more fiscal responsibility for Alabama and the nation

Some Alabamians may think it is great that Senator Shelby has brought so much “bacon” back to Alabama. But is it really?

Sean of the south Alabama News
Sean of the South: Heavenly

Heaven is real. Sometimes it’s hard for us to see it. Sometimes the pain of life can make you blind.

Justin Bogie Headshot Alabama News
Justin Bogie talks tax cuts on News Talk 93.1 News & Views

Listen to the Alabama Policy Institute's Senior Director of Fiscal Policy Justin Bogie on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss the unwillingness of Alabama political leaders to give real tax relief to struggling Alabama citizens during this time of historic inflation.

government building Alabama News
Joey Clark: What if Americans had suspicious minds?

What if the American people had suspicious minds?

Money, capitol, capital, donations Alabama News
Phil Williams: Spend it like you've got it

We’ve all had times when we had to rob Peter to pay Paul. By that, I mean that I’m sure that most folks have had those days when paying one bill meant not paying another.

Die hard christmas Alabama News
Randy Tatano: Yippee-ki-yay, Merry Christmas!

I just need two things for a perfect Christmas… great food and an action movie in which things explode.

Christmas tree Alabama News
Ashley Carter: A Christmas tree wish

This past week, my family and I took a short trip to the mountains. While we were there, we visited a few stores and did some shopping. I was taken aback by the small tree filled with hand-written wishes as I entered one of the stores.

Tax credits Alabama News
Dr. Daniel Sutter: Business incentives and Alabama jobs

The state legislature will take up reauthorization of the Alabama Jobs Act next session. The reauthorization affords an opportunity to consider economic and ethical questions raised by targeted incentives for businesses.

Bible Christmas Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: And we know that hope does not disappoint

For the believer, our hope is placed in a person, born on December 25, over 2,000 years ago.

Sad Christmas Alabama News
Matt Clark: The incarnation and the problem of pain

If you’re dealing with the problem of pain this Christmas, remember that Christ’s birth is the proof that God does indeed care. 

Stephanie Holden Smith Alabama News
1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith talks Alabama's tax surplus on FM Talk 1065

Listen to 1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith on Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan as they discuss Alabama's tax surplus and "rainy day" funds and question why more of these funds aren't returned to taxpayers.

US Capitol Alabama News
KCarl Smith: They think we’re stupid

Democrats and establishment Republicans, including Alabama Senator Richard Shelby, have been involved in formulating this huge, unnecessary spending compromise bill, which would keep the new House of Representatives from being able to reduce and eliminate horrible spending now underway, and the programs which that spending supports.

Sean of the south Alabama News
Sean of the South: Miss Fancy

Avondale Park was a glorified zoo. A rest home for animals. There wasn’t much going on in Avondale. People paid a few pennies to see Miss Fancy eat hay and make poop.

Taxes, cut taxes Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Lawmakers should take less money from you in 2023, not look for ways to spend more

Despite early projections that a potential recession may not have as hard-hitting of an impact on Alabama as previously expected, do not expect permanent tax relief for Alabamians in 2023.

Bryan Dawson 1 Alabama News
Bryan Dawson talks the McCutcheon-connected QBR scandal on FM Talk 1065

Listen to 1819 News CEO Bryan Dawson on The Jeff Poor Show as they discuss the QBR scandal, how the company hid doctor kickbacks in hourly rates, and the scandal's connection to Mac McCutcheon and his son.

Stephanie Holden Smith Alabama News
1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith talks the lack of Alabama state tax relief on News Talk 93.1 News & Views

Listen to 1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss the lack of Alabama state tax relief compared to many other states, but instead, Alabama has grown state government by 40% over the past few years.

Money, dollars, bills Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: Finders keepers, losers weepers

Withholding is arguably one of the most damaging things ever done to our country because it allows the government to take what is rightfully earned by you (your money) before you even get your hands on it.

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