Listen to 1819 News Reporter Will Blakely on The Jeff Poor Show as they discuss the potential consequences of leftist investment schemes such as environmental, social and governance, how, since these schemes aren't based on rate of return, they will likely eventually crash, and who will inevitably pick up this liability.
Listen to 1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss feminism, how it has been taken over by the abortion lobby, how it is very insular and nationalistic, and how it therefore cares nothing about feminine movements in other countries such as Iran.
American feminism is dead, may she rest in peace.
Is it possible to be a true gentleman in American public life any longer?
Listen to 1819 News Reporter Will Blakely on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss environmental, social and governance (ESG), where the yield on investment of a security takes a backseat to the "wokeness" of the security.
Is it possible that the elected leadership in Montgomery believes that we don’t have enough revenue? Not at all. The numbers don’t lie, and Alabama has more cash on hand than we’ve ever had.
Alabama seems quiet compared to other states with Republican controlled state governments who have not only vocally opposed the use of tax-payer dollars invested in a subjective and ideological manner but have taken strides to prevent this from occurring.
As a young married woman, I had never even heard the word patriarchy and had no idea that what I had been shown growing up was just that.
Recently my high school had a big reunion. You know, one of those zero-numbered deals.
God bless the people of this fine state. God bless the memory of Hank Senior. And God bless Alabama.
Listen to 1819 News CEO Bryan Dawson on Rightside Radio with Phil Williams as they discuss the drag queen middle school teacher in Huntsville, how that behavior is inappropriate because it attempts to sexualize children, and how school administrators need to have the courage to confront such behavior as inappropriate for children to view.
Alabama should consider another solution that’s cheaper and takes away a lot of these complications: execution by firing squad.
Listen to 1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith on Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan as they discuss Alabama's budget surplus for fiscal year 2022 and the tax relief that surplus could provide for most Alabamians in this inflationary economy.
Listen to 1819 News Contributor Amie Beth Shaver on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss 1954's murdered Attorney General Democratic nominee Albert Patterson, his bravery in taking on corruption in 1950s Phenix City, and the lessons we should learn from that bravery.
No war, no Constitutional amendment, nor any number of laws will be sufficient to ensure that the God-given freedom and rights of all common Americans, including black Americans, other minorities and women are respected and equally protected in the United States for as long as the Democratic Party leaders and corrupt Republicans who help them hold any power in our country.
I bet you’ve never heard of Albert Patterson. But, you should have. Because it turns out that he's a hero—one of Alabama's best.
The argument that an economic recession is coming, and the state must be fiscally responsible to weather that storm, does not line up with the actions of the legislature over the last four years.
Listen to 1819 News Reporter Craig Monger on The Jeff Poor Show as they discuss the controversy U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville finds himself in regarding "reparation," the word that recordings prove he used at a Trump rally over the weekend, and "reparations," which Democrats and most of the Alabama media claim he said.
Listen to 1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss taxation in Alabama and how Stephanie has reluctantly come to the conclusion that such a statement as "there isn't a dime's worth of difference between Republicans and Democrats" is sadly true in Alabama with regard to taxing and spending.
While most of the corporate press continues to squash our collective brains in a partisan vise of sound and fury signifying nothing this election season, the 117th Congress continues to exhibit the greatest vice afflicting modern American politics — moderation.
The incremental nature of taxation aids in its universal acceptance, but one point should be made in regards to government money: it doesn’t exist.
Has America changed? Are we the same US of A that these two gentlemen grew up in and so capably served?
I honestly don’t think anyone can prepare you for the overwhelming joy that comes with being a grandparent.
These days I know I should not be on the road at 8 a.m. or 3 p.m. Because that’s when parents turn into chauffeurs to drop off or pick up their little darlings and turn the local streets into the departure lane at a major airport.
The hotel parking lot. Early afternoon. He was packing his truck. Slamming toolbox lids. Reorganizing luggage in the rear cab. Iowa plates.
Let’s take each of the conservative-leaning justices and see how they think.
Listen to 1819 News Contributor Stephanie Holden Smith on Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan as they discuss educational freedom with Alabama being third in the country in per-pupil spending but 52nd in the country in some categories of testing.