As we deal with the aftermath of the tragic school shooting in Texas, we also face predictable and insensitively timed cries for gun control. I’ve always been surprised and bothered that Conservatives don’t respond with their own policy suggestions. In the face of such wickedness, when our laws seem to fail at deterring crime, we must ask what needs to change and return to the source of our principles: God’s justice.
Listen to 1819 News Editor-in-Chief Ray Melick on News & Views with Joey Clark as they discuss their respective interviews with Mike Durant, the U.S. Senate runoff and the pending release of John Hinckley Jr.
We can’t rely on formal education to teach us everything we need to know, nor can we take what we see on the news or read on Facebook at face value. We must educate ourselves.
State Farm quickly withdrew its support for a program, The Gender Pool Project, which pushed books about sexual identity to preschoolers. The Left are trying to shape our children’s moral behavior. Do not be mistaken, State Farm did not pull its support because they recognized the error of its ways. They only did so because Consumers’ Research called them out in a successful ‘Like a Creepy Neighbor’ ad campaign.
Nixon even called Alabama Governor George Wallace to enlist his support, but Wallace refused to intervene on his behalf with members of the Alabama congressional delegation and other Boll Weevil Democrats. After the call with Wallace, Nixon turned to Chief of Staff Alexander Haig and said, “Well, Al, there goes the presidency.” And so, the true “man in the arena,” faced the final curtain all alone.
We have to be wary of deliberate lies and unintentional misunderstandings, which seem to be prevalent everywhere we turn.
Do you have your kids' textbooks or access them no matter your school situation? Are you reading what they're reading? Do you know their teachers? Are you talking through what they're learning? Are you prepared to challenge your child, equipping them to defend their beliefs - even in private or Christian schools? Are you doing this?
Listen to 1819 News Editor-in-Chief Ray Melick on The Jeff Poor Show as they discuss crossover voting by Democrats in last week's Republican Primary and the appearance that conservative Alabama doesn't seem to have a fiscally conservative Republican Party.
Orwell’s plausible assessment of majority opinion aside, could it not also be said that the trouble with democratic elections is that somebody wins them? Which is worse for the losers: the free competition of the market or the outcomes of democratic elections? Which of the two is truly more dog-eat-dog? Which of the two leads to more centralized, monopoly power — democracy or economic liberty?
Aren’t individual liberty and freedom two of our most valuable and foundational tenants? What happened to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Are they now antiquated notions in an increasingly global society? We better hope not and we better advocate otherwise. Our republican principles have enabled the greatest political experiment in the history of civilization to succeed and the entire world is better for it.
During the most recent broadcast of HBO’s Realtime, Bill Maher posited that there had to be a social component to the general rise of children claiming to be transgender in certain regions of the United States. After noting that there are fewer transgender kids in Youngstown, Ohio, than Los Angeles, Maher quipped, “Either Youngstown is shaming them, or L.A. is creating them.”
“I returned to Alabama from Hawaii on February 14 past, after 30-plus years. I’m proud to be back. I also voted for Kay Ivey in the recent primary. I must tell you though, if I had read the recent articles from Caylah and Justin, I most certainly would not have voted for Gov. Ivey. ..."
It is an amazing thing to think that what we have, what we know, and what we so often take for granted came at such a great price.
The world is appalled by the senseless violence and death of innocent citizens in Ukraine. How can Vladimir Putin and the Russian leaders be so cruel and heartless, and have such a low regard for human life? I don’t think it’s difficult to understand.
Mrs. Welch parked and stared at the brick building in the distance where she’s been teaching for 14 years. She tried to imagine what teachers in Uvalde, Texas, must have been feeling when their sanctuary was invaded by a lone gunman. A gunman who killed 19 students and two teachers.
We had a chance to pick another Governor, and we didn’t. We had a ton of alternative, qualified candidates, and Alabama still picked Kay Ivey.
What does another four years of Kay Ivey as governor mean for the state of Alabama? Unless a newly elected class of state legislators acts much more conservatively than their predecessors, it will likely mean bigger government, more taxes, and less freedom for Alabamians.
Ray Melick talks Alabama voters' "Low T" on FM Talk 1065
Ray Melick talks the 2022 primary election results on News Talk 93.1 News & Views
Democrats across the country suffered a nervous breakdown when Elon Musk disclosed that he would be voting for Republicans in the next election ─ having voted for only Democrats in the past. Democrats are angry with Musk because he is applying the Scientific Method to how he will cast his vote ─ using critical thinking skills.
Today, I want to share a story about two American heroes who laid down their lives to save their friends. But what they didn’t know is that their sacrifice could have saved tens of millions of others.
Listen to 1819 News Editor-in-Chief Ray Melick on The Jeff Poor Show as they discuss the primary races being decided as they spoke.
Election days have a way of turning grand pronouncements into self-serving tropes. The more I hear phrases such as “we are at a tipping point” or “this is the most important election ever in history."
The truth is, by choosing to not participate in the election process, those people who don’t vote have given those of us who do, power - over their very lives, their laws, their rights, their citizenship.
This bad idea, which was poorly executed and fraught with disaster, received such a public outcry that even the usual tone-deaf Biden Administration had to do something. You see, that’s what happens when good people speak out!
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There is no such thing as a "culture war." That’s not to say that we’re not in a surface war with each other in our society, only that the specific term “culture war” is used by opportunists on both sides of the aisle to silence advocates for change.