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1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

Alabama political news race Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Black History Month?

How did we end up with the idea of separate races? And when did people start buying into the hideous notion that one race was superior to another?

Vaccine2 Alabama News
U.S. Rep. Barry Moore: The COVID-19 vaccine and weaponization of government

The number one concern I've heard from constituents is about the weaponization of our government against its own citizens, particularly through COVID-19.

Foley Public Library Alabama News
Laura Clark: The turning tide in our libraries and government as a whole

The progress in the library books and with the APLS appointments by our governor shows that all is not lost. The people still have power and pushback on this Marxist agenda.

Dale Strong Alabama News
U.S. Rep. Dale Strong: Time to defeat the left’s lies about Trump, January 6

I am proud to fight for the truth, which is that the 45th president is only guilty of having exposed the far left for who they truly are.

frustrated person Alabama News
Kristin Landers: When we don’t know what to do about the dumpster fire that is our nation

What can we do when we feel trapped, with little ability to change things on the larger scale? 

Birmingham-Southern Alabama News
State Treasurer Young Boozer: If Birmingham-Southern College closes, it's on them, not the State Treasurer

I stand by my decision to deny using Alabama taxpayer dollars for a loan to an institution which I believe has been grossly mismanaged for many years.

casino gambling Alabama News
Col. John Eidsmoe: Should Alabama gamble with the good life?

Studies repeatedly show that a disproportionate number of poor people gamble, and they spend a disproportionate amount of their income on gambling.

Edward Snowden Alabama News
Joey Clark: An American hero in Moscow

It is a tragically unsurprising reflection of the United States today that an American hero who gave one of the most courageous displays of resistance to tyranny in recent memory is no longer welcome in America but must live the rest of his days as a Russian citizen in Moscow.

Alabama political news James I Alabama News
Justice Will Sellers: Unleashing the power of free markets

Four centuries ago, England jettisoned restraints on free trade and allowed markets, not monopolies, to regulate the sale of products.

Alabama political news sports betting Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: Sports betting would bring gambling to every single living room in Alabama

Sports betting isn't a fair wager, and it's a bad bet for Alabama sports and Alabama families.

Alabama Senate Alabama News
Senate Majority Leader Steve Livingston: Alabama Senate Republicans – Defending Alabama in 2024

When it comes to being in touch with the issues facing the people of Alabama and effectively serving them, the state legislature stands unrivaled.  

Alabama political news gone with the wind Alabama News
Phil Williams: Saving us from ourselves

Is it possible that some of the movies we consider classics would never have been made if today’s cultural taboos were applied?  

Alabama political news border wall Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Upholding the Constitution on the border issue amid Marxist challenges

The actions of our current president and his administration have raised concerns about potential betrayal to our country. Some assert that President Biden is influenced by prominent Marxist figures, including the president of Communist China and billionaire George Soros. 

Alabama political news choir Alabama News
Kaitlyn Smith: Leaving the world behind through the music of Over the Mountain Festivals

Giving a small glimpse of heaven on earth is exactly what the mission of the Over the Mountain Festivals has been for 15 years: to delight your senses with a taste of what will be.

Alabama political news caregiving Alabama News
Ashley Carter: The long goodbye

Caring for a loved one with dementia is a journey of contradictions. You find joy amid sorrow, laughter amid tears and connection amid solitude.

Alabama political news singer Alabama News
Sean of the South: The singer of Daphne, Alabama

“Welcome to Moe’s!” the man sang to us. He was pushing a mop, wiping down tables at Moe’s Southwest Grill in Daphne, Alabama.

Books Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O’Connell: Good riddance to bad rubbish

After much pressure from the community and state lawmakers, The Alabama Public Library Service (APLS) Board did the wise thing last Tuesday, unanimously voting to withdraw its membership in the American Library Association (ALA).

Alabama political news John C Calhoun Alabama News
Nick Treglia: Viewing the border crisis through the eyes of John C. Calhoun and the American Founders

If those in the federal government wish to disregard their constitutional obligations, let them. But they should not be surprised when states consequently assert their sovereignty and ignore federal directives, as Texas has.

Alabama political news dukes hazzard Alabama News
Allen Keller: That's not how I remember it

“The Dukes of Hazzard” just wasn’t how I remembered it. Sure, there were the chase scenes, as well as the beauty of Daisy Duke. But to say the dramatic material was lacking is like calling the criminal Boss Hogg’s morals merely questionable.

texas border guard Alabama News
Col. John Eidsmoe: What’s really happening with ‘Homeland Security v. Texas?'

Thank God Texans are standing up to the federal leviathan; Alabamians should join them.

Alabama political news American flag Alabama News
Joey Clark: The flogging will continue until Americans remember they are citizens

Unfortunately, U.S. citizenship in modern America means neither freedom nor independence, but dependency and domination.

Starnes show Alabama News
The ladies of 'Alabama Unfiltered Radio' join Todd Starnes on Newsmax

Last week, Amie Beth Shaver and Allison Sinclair, co-hosts of Alabama Unfiltered Radio, joined the "Todd Starnes Show" on Newsmax to discuss Gov. Kay Ivey's support of Texas in the border fight, airline safety and more.

greg abbott Alabama News
Phil Williams: Texas — a constitutional crisis, or a recipe against tyranny and invasion?

Keep your eyes on Texas. What we are seeing is a constitutional crisis of the highest order play out in the fight to defend our southern border.

school choice Alabama News
Charles ‘Kip’ Kiplinger: School choice and its financial implications

As conservatives, we uphold principles of fiscal responsibility, limited government intervention, and individual freedom. It's time to apply these principles to education through the advocacy of school choice.

Alabama political news mobile Alabama News
Sean of the South: Ah, Mobile

Mobile was pretty. The sunset was peach. The Dolly Parton Bridge at sundown will move you.

Alabama political news mountain Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: The relentless pursuit of solutions

Despite the horror of it all, they came together, united in the pursuit of solutions. And if they lived like that, on a snowy, unforgiving mountainside in Western Argentina, we can too.

School Choice. Alabama News
Laura Clark: A few things to consider in the quest for school choice

It’s high time we foster the idea that parents, not teachers, know best how to educate their children. School choice, done well, gives parents the freedom to do just that.

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