In a world where our words can be used as weapons or tools for healing, it is so important to realize the true impact our words have on those around us.
Lake Martin is flat. Mirror flat. It is a perfect evening. The sun is low. The crickets are singing in full stereo. And I’m visiting with old ghosts.
It’s tragic, isn’t it, that gambling is back? It's tragic because people who should know and do better won’t.
Many believe and argue that the First and Second Amendments are the most important Constitutional rights, but without exercising these four amendments on voting, you may well see the first two erode before your eyes.
Overall, this opinion is a landmark decision. It will reshape the largely unregulated IVF industry and give dignity and sanctity to the lives of many unborn children.
The American people demand, and deserve, that those responsible for this border crisis be held accountable.
Here are 20 reasons why those in the Alabama Legislature – and their constituents – should resist supporting expanding and legalizing gambling in the state.
To Alabama voters: Rise up, speak up, and say to your legislators and anyone who will listen, “Don’t gamble with Alabama’s future!”
It is up to us to keep the industrial magic of our state alive by keeping Alabama strong. We must keep Alabama open for business.
Alabama should prepare for Bitcoin’s potential upside rather than simply cracking down as though Bitcoin’s only prospect is a dangerous and risky downside to be corralled and constrained.
If you’re an advocate for the expansion of gambling in Alabama then just say so. But if you say one thing and vote another, then it taints the process.
Conservatives must employ a persuasive message of liberty that is so robust that the left can’t question it, can’t attack it, and can’t defeat it.
Aging can come with some negative aspects, but there are many things we can do to get through those negative things.
FEMA needs a reform. It needs administrative reform, and its system of assistance needs to reflect the realities of border counties.
Having moved away from a state that shoved synthetic meat and byproducts down the public’s throat at every possible opportunity, it is heartening that the Alabama Senate just voted 32-0 to ban lab grown meat.
In light of recent world events, we’ve seen a resurgence of the subtly pernicious argument that America “should do something because it’s the right thing to do.” This “something” ranges from accepting and housing millions of foreigners, to sending billions of our dollars to prolong a stagnant European conflict.
Today, as a congressional candidate for the sixth congressional district, I’d like to discuss a crucial issue: bolstering our borders while respecting the integrity of legal immigration.
Much has been made of the relationship between Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. Theories vary, but the basic storyline is that Swift is some form of government asset whose purpose is to persuade football fans to vote for Biden.
Gambling, we’re told, is part of the American tradition. From the lotteries of the American colonies to the riverboats and saloons of the Old West, America grew up on gambling. But is this true?
Despite the pesky, pervasive and profitable persistence of illegal gaming in Alabama, nothing compares to the high-stakes games of chance found on Montgomery’s Goat Hill.
A sacrificial lamb, who had been offered up to appease the gods (with a little “g”) of wokeness, just launched her revenge.
Change in educational institutions can be a complex and lengthy process. It requires persistence, collaboration, and a willingness to engage in constructive dialogue with stakeholders.
"We can enjoy the Super Bowl down here but nothing will ever compare to the Super Bowl celebration awaiting Christians in Heaven when we see Jesus in mansions of Glory and endless delight!"
Being intentional is an important part of living a purposeful life.
No, I don’t know how to save this country. I don’t know much about anything. But I know family dinners ain’t a bad place to start.
How did we end up with the idea of separate races? And when did people start buying into the hideous notion that one race was superior to another?