If the legislature continues to delay school choice legislation, it’s not because it is too costly or because the program would not improve the quality of education in Alabama’s schools.
While it is sad that SCOTUS is not letting Kacsmaryk’s order about the abortion pill go into effect, the good news is that this is a temporary problem.
After years of extensive review, it’s clear that Alabama’s Redstone Arsenal is the best location to permanently house U.S. Space Command.
A firsthand account of how Alabama’s Early Release Law impacted one of the many victims.
The governor’s words are not matching her actions, and when it comes to our youngest and most vulnerable children, she needs to be held accountable.
Listen to 1819 News Fiscal and Budget Reporter Justin Bogie on "News & Views" with Joey Clark as they discuss the legislative progress on the elimination of Alabama's grocery tax.
Alabamians have made it clear that they don’t want a rebate check. Top lawmakers are now on the same page. Will Gov. Ivey listen?
Allowing biological males to compete in women’s and girls’ sports is unfair, unsafe, and just plain wrong.
Our congressional delegation in Washington must continue working to support smart energy solutions that complement the work we are doing in the Alabama Legislature.
Free and faithful men must not relent to authority for authority’s sake, even if it is draped in the noble toga of democracy.
There is a time for everything, and a season under the heavens, and every generation has known a time for war. This should be the time to build.
“Mad Magazine” and its "Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions" is no longer around, but stupid questions still are.
Alabama, let's show them that the fight isn’t over. We will stand in the gap. It’s our responsibility to keep our children safe and teach them truth.
Regardless of whether the Biden administration decides to headquarter the Space Force in our state, we know that Alabama is already a major part of Space Force, having played a role in America’s space and aviation pursuits from the beginning.
The PRICE Act would phase in universal educational savings accounts (ESAs) over three years, funded by the state at $6,900 a year.
Instead of pretending everything was fine, and instead of offering the middle finger salute, I wish I would've told myself that the grief I felt, which many of us experience, was real. But also that it doesn’t last.
One of the reasons Alabama insurance can afford to be sluggish in responding to different technologies is a lack of competition for patients.
USPS tried to force Groff to work on Sundays, but he believed he needed to take the Sabbath off. Instead of allowing him to swap shifts with other coworkers, USPS fired him.
Listen to 1819 News Fiscal and Budget Reporter Justin Bogie on "Midday Mobile" with Sean Sullivan as they discuss the potential Birmingham Southern Bailout and the dangerous precedent it would set.
Alabama continues to be in a unique position to provide substantial permanent tax relief to hard-working citizens. To make that a reality, lawmakers must take larger steps to slow the growth of government spending.
We must recognize that, because absolutes are absolute, we as a culture or government don’t control them. They exist separate from us. They were put there by God and are part of His nature.
Listen to 1819 News Fiscal and Budget Reporter Justin Bogie on "News & Views" with Joey Clark as they discuss the recent ALGOP poll that determined Alabamians of both parties overwhelmingly want the Alabama grocery tax repealed.
It’s not supposed to happen here. It’s not supposed to happen anywhere. And it’s definitely not supposed to occur in our own backyard.
Without ARPA funds, how does BSC plan to remain open? There are two likely solutions, both of which would set a new precedent for state government’s involvement with private higher education institutions.
The truth of the education system’s failures lies somewhere in between everyone and no one's responsibility, citizen, which means you must believe the lie for the nobility of the system to survive.
Liberal wokists will never be satisfied. They are bullies. But companies who push back will find that good old red-blooded Americans will rush to their support and thank them for their courage.
Femininity brings balance to life, creating a counterpoint to the strength, assertiveness, and competition characteristics of masculinity.