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1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

Katie Britt Alabama News
Charles Kiplinger: An open letter to Sen. Katie Britt

Dear Sen. Katie Britt: On behalf of the North Central Alabama Republican Assembly, I must say we are extremely disappointed in you for voting YES on the recent spending bill.

Alabama political news sexualized children Alabama News
Kristin Landers: The push to sexualize Alabama’s children

I used to think Alabama was a state where kids could be kids, but it looks like we could use some sage wisdom from that big dancing rat at Chuck E. Cheese right now.

Ethics commission Alabama News
Stan McDonald: An apology to Rep. Matt Simpson

As a member of the Alabama Ethics Commission, I have let down the people I serve by ignoring sound biblical counsel of maintaining self-control, of being quick to hear and slow to anger, and of esteeming others higher than myself. 

Alabama political news sports betting 2 Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: Sports betting is a bad bet for college athletes and fans

Multiple states that have legalized sports betting are now curtailing or regretting it due to the mental health consequences for adolescent men.

free speech boot Alabama News
Talmadge Butts: During wars and rumors of wars, the freedom of speech is a sure victim

In the United States, the brunt of speech restrictions have come from the mainstream media and social media companies, with companies like Google taking action to censor any content about the Russo-Ukrainian War that does not comport with their guidelines.

U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Saks) Alabama News
Joey Clark: Alabama's Mike Rogers and the question of strange times

Sir, when you spout the conventional Beltway foreign policy wisdom on Ukraine, I, like millions of my fellow Americans, do not believe you anymore.  

Lottery Alabama News
State Rep. Alan Baker: If Alabama is going to have a lottery, it needs to be an education lottery

I was elected to the Alabama House of Representatives in 2006. I have served District 66 for the last 18 years and am proud to consider myself an advocate for public education. Each session is different from the last, but one issue that almost always seems to come around session after session is gaming.

uaw Alabama News
Stadthagen: UAW is a multi-level marketing scheme selling empty promises to Alabama auto workers

The UAW is selling snake oil to hardworking Alabamians employed at auto manufacturing plants in an attempt to fleece money from the pockets of good people.

protest DEi Alabama News
Phil Williams: The DEI bloodbath

DEI still needs to DIE, and while it remains a battle in other places, I am nonetheless pleased that we are taking the high ground here in the Yellowhammer State.

UAB Alabama News
Dr. Sanjay Singh: Alabama ethics laws cripple researchers, universities

Our state needs to simplify our ethics rules to create more clarity to empower researchers, not restrict them.

gambling loser Alabama News
Reed DePace: Legislators, what are you thinking?!

As the Alabama State Senate takes up the House’s gambling legislation, one thought comes to mind: What are our state legislators thinking?!

RFK Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Voices uniting for election integrity

According to Kennedy, Biden stands out as the first American president to "weaponize" the agencies of the U.S. federal government against his political adversaries.

Transgender flag, shadows and silhouettes of people on a road, conceptual picture about anonymous Transgender and Gay Lesbian in the World Alabama News
Pete Riehm: Extolling perversion at the expense of redemption

Why would the Biden Administration antagonize Christians in an election year?

Alabama political news tomatoes Alabama News
Sean of the South: The sandwich

Tomatoes from Geneva County, Alabama, are different from common varieties. They are superior tomatoes.

Alabama political news mega millions Alabama News
Rex Jones: Without the lottery, Alabama is losing

Our lottery policies are forcing Alabamians to drive to Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee to play the lottery.

Baldwin County Conservative Coalition: An open letter to Baldwin County residents regarding library books

We must protect all children. That means LGBTQ+ children, too. If a child is confused and struggling, they shouldn't be able to get their feelings validated by a library book without their caregiver knowing. 

Alabama political news kid computer Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: The stealth agenda coming from your child's school-issued Chromebook

Our kids have ready access to sexually explicit material courtesy of our schools. This perversion comes into their hands on their school-issued Chromebooks.  

Alabama political news juke Alabama News
Nick Treglia: Everything is ugly

I want America to mass produce great-looking, reliable, and fun cars again. All it will take to bring that back is a company willing to take a chance and a government willing to step back and let America get to work.

Alabama political news easter biden Alabama News
Jessica Taylor: Christians must find their voices

The pro-transgender proclamation made this Easter is a wakeup call to all Christians – Republican, Democrat, black, white, or brown – all of us. We must have the hard conversations.

Alabama political news biden church Alabama News
Allen Keller: Trading Gospel for government

We are left to believe that modern progressivism is replacing Christianity with a much less substantial system, fraught with scientific failures and political power plays.

Alabama political news biden easter Alabama News
Katrinnah Darden: Religious freedom flops on Easter weekend

The religious holiday clash was resurrected last weekend when President Biden issued two Executive Proclamations for March 31st. One short proclamation recognized Easter Sunday, while the much longer one recognized a “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

Steve Marshall Alabama News
Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall: Is ethics legislation what the public wants?

Today, the Alabama House of Representatives will debate the latest attempted rewrite of our current ethics laws. I am strongly opposed to this legislation. It is important to me that the members of the legislature and the general public understand why.

Alabama political news healthcare Alabama News
Alabama Health System CEOs: Alabama’s health care workforce needs the Alabama School of Healthcare Sciences

Building the Alabama School of Healthcare Sciences represents an innovative approach to addressing the lingering need we have in our state for more qualified health care workers, especially in our state’s rural areas.

Entitlement Alabama News
Joey Clark: You are not entitled to a job

As long as we Americans continue to court government robbers and their crony robber barons for our daily bread, believing their supposedly moral or scientific justifications, we will continue to eat away at our freedom and prosperity.

willy brandt Alabama News
Will Sellers: Espionage’s unintended consequences

Fifty years ago, Americans were so distracted by Watergate that they failed to notice the unmasking of one of the most consequential spies during the Cold War.

Birmingham-Southern Alabama News
Phil Williams: Uncle Sugar

I hate the idea of BSC going away. But I also hate that actions should have no consequences. Bad form should not be bailed out with our tax dollars.

Stack of books library Alabama News
Allen Mendenhall: ‘Ban’ my book!

Moving books from one section of the library to another isn’t a ban. It’s a relocation. Nor is it “banning” to remove certain books from the library altogether.

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