Rise to the Moment of Truth Monday, February 10, 2025

Alabama Political News
Discover the latest developments in Alabama politics.

File c12bef17 11ba 46bb bd65 b311317f5f5b Alabama News
Hooper says that there are still important bills for the legislature to pass

This is day 27 of the Alabama Regular Legislative Session and there are just four legislative days left in the session. Republican...

File a349f0d0 2707 4a2d 8e50 976d5e52c259 Alabama News
Lawmakers, doctors, and advocates push transgender age restriction

The Eagle Forum of Alabama (EFA) held a press conference on Thursday calling on the legislature to address the access of transgender...

File 81c39e7e eb17 41a7 804b 88989ab17e3a Alabama News
Alabama Restaurant & Hospitality Association endorses Katie Britt for U.S. Senate

The Katie Britt for U.S. Senate Campaign announced Thursday that Britt has been endorsed by the Alabama Restaurant & Hospitality Association...

File 1af63076 b349 4bae bedc 23991355119a Alabama News
Brooks slams Katie Britt for what he calls another “dishonest attack ad”

On Wednesday, the Mo Brooks for Senate campaign attacked GOP rival Katie Britt for an ad attacking Brooks. The Brooks campaign called...

File 7a509902 f301 4818 b16f eb6b65a2be8f Alabama News
Blanchard launches statewide campaign to repeal the gas tax

Gubernatorial candidate Lindy Blanchard spoke on Tuesday about what she claimed was a critical need to suspend the 2019 gas tax increase....

File 7537ae44 a19d 42ee 9e12 0a5baeac0f92 Alabama News
Tuberville asks citizens about how higher fuel prices are affecting them

On Friday, U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) released a new ‘Coach on the Street’ video, where the Senator speaks with Americans...

File e629a549 a438 4c5b a9e7 7cd605cb0a9c Alabama News
Ben Harrison formally launches campaign for State House

Former Limestone County Commissioner Ben Harrison (R) formally announced the kickoff of his campaign for Alabama House District 2 (HD2)...

File c27ebcf0 aa12 4e82 9dc2 aed85cedb2e9 Alabama News
Ed Packard asks Alabamians to serve as poll watchers

Alabama Secretary of State candidate Ed Packard is calling on Alabama’s voters to serve as poll watchers for his campaign in the May...

File 5a89b392 2963 438e 8fda 63dfe5eba855 Alabama News
Senate poised to exempt farmer’s grain bins from ad valorem taxes

The Alabama Senate could take up legislation to exempt farmers’ grain bins from ad valorem taxes as soon as Tuesday when the legislature...

File 24e0231f 23db 4df1 bef9 6dc11ffe790b Alabama News
Robin Litaker campaigns in Shelby County for PSC

Retired educator Robin Litaker is “sick of state agencies”.  Litaker is running for the Public Service Commission (PSC) Place 2 position,...

File fec3c6e7 2ef4 4f11 a401 862667789e55 Alabama News
McLamb campaigns for PSC in Shelby County

Stephen McLamb is challenging incumbent PSC Commissioner Jeremy Oden (R) in the Republican primary for the Alabama Public Service Commission...

File b2510f02 e621 417b afe1 e5bc0d71f4bb Alabama News
Tim James opposes gambling expansion

Gubernatorial candidate Tim James announced that he opposed both the expansion of casinos in the state as well as the lottery. James...

File 7d59f94e d1fc 41a3 a472 c09727d89fed Alabama News
GOP gubernatorial candidates urge legislators to reject the Numeracy Act

Gubernatorial candidate Tim James released a statement Thursday calling for members of the Alabama Legislature to vote against the...

File f6ac83ed 3bdf 4117 8639 14920272b933 Alabama News
U.S. Rep. Aderholt says 'There's a lot of kinship between Alabama and Ukraine'

After the collapse of the old Soviet Union, missionaries made their way into the old Soviet bloc countries seeking to revive the Christian...

File b78aa140 00e1 4f5b b62d d300a46c8b1c Alabama News
Bill banning certain persons from assisting voters passes House

Candidates and poll watchers may soon no longer be able to assist people with voting in municipal elections after House Bill 239 (HB239)...

File 7c928455 9664 472b 9dc6 58d1c35f796c Alabama News
School choice substitute passes Senate, severely limits options

A substitute for the school choice bill has passed the Alabama Senate, much to the dismay of school choice supporters.   School choice...

File 26224b1b ac9f 49c6 88c8 2cdca8ee2582 Alabama News
Lew Burdette campaigns in St. Clair County

Gubernatorial candidate businessman Lew Burdette spoke to the St. Clair County Republican Party at the regular meeting in Pell City...

File 7b99de8f a098 419d abc6 73df45ee41f1 Alabama News
Clay Scofield: Alabama’s early broadband planning, investments paying dividends

Alabama’s efforts to expand rural broadband in the last five years have given us a head start on bringing additional households online...

File a823bd48 841a 47a4 91a5 275c71183076 Alabama News
Self-imposed gun control being considered by lawmakers

Voluntary gun prohibition is among the list of gun bills being considered by the Alabama legislature.   On Wednesday, House Bill 462...

File ec95c72c 108b 4968 bef0 8f1bd653fa28 Alabama News
Wiretapping bill in the name of fallen officer headed back to House

A bill that would allow wiretapping in certain drug crimes has passed the Alabama Senate with amendments and will be sent back to the...

File b1fd85df 37ae 4563 8110 dfa84133ca76 Alabama News
Blanchard cites education and crime as reasons to vote for new leadership

Republican gubernatorial candidate Lindy Blanchard emphasized education and law and order in a recent press release. “For education,...

File 369ab942 9895 4694 be0c 76ffea4c656d Alabama News
Scott Stantis: Your lips say 'no,' but your politicians say 'yes!'

Scott Stantis lives in Birmingham and is currently the editorial cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune. He previously was the staff cartoonist...

File 2adb1891 6d7e 43a5 a7bf 14095f146970 Alabama News
State Sen. Barfoot: School choice issue is not going away

Last month, State Sen. Del Marsh (R-Anniston) introduced what he deemed to be the "mother of all school choice bills," formally known...

File 9d6c06f7 7cc1 439d aa3b 22ee0c923f10 Alabama News
Dean Odle says Ivey restricting churches during pandemic led him to gubernatorial run

One of the candidates who has made a splash in the 2022 contest for Alabama's GOP gubernatorial nod is Opelika pastor Dean Odle. Odle's...

File 98dea5d8 5213 42f4 b4d7 e84cdec4b397 Alabama News
Woodall objects to surplus utility tax dollars going to the general fund

Public Service Commission (PSC) candidate Brent Woodall (R) was in Winston County Saturday night. There he campaigned for Republican...

File eeaf120f ce0d 414a 8222 cd8a1c302cdd Alabama News
Ivey campaigns in Winston County

Incumbent Republican Gov. Kay Ivey (R) was the keynote speaker at the Winston County Republican Party annual Ronald Reagan Dinner on...

File c0fc6c1a e1fc 4637 885f f4077d4fea6f Alabama News
Fred Joly kicks off State House campaign in HD3

Retired Air Force officer and former Colbert County Republican Party Chairman Fred Joly recently kicked off his campaign for Alabama...

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