Frankl’s personal account of life in the concentration camp leads him to probing meditations on the nature of totalitarianism, suffering, love, time, dreams, personal responsibility, and fate – meditations worth a few hours for anyone to read and reread.
In the middle of the animated reverie, there was a three-minute bonus that aired periodically: a cartoon ditty called “Schoolhouse Rock.” I thought it was cool, and I can still sing some of the catchy tunes today.
Whoever came up with the original concept of “smart” devices had to be a fan of the “Terminator” movies. Because if these things are smart, they wouldn’t break down constantly and drive us insane.
Our family calendars seem to be full these days. Baseball games, dance recitals, soccer practice, cheer practice – the list goes on and on. But in doing this, are we sacrificing something special?
“Iced tea,” she says with a smile. “For my American writer.” They’re doing okay here in Rome.
It's hard to unsee the cancerous mass the health care system has become.
If conservatives are running the Alabama government, why are non-conservative issues such as gambling and marijuana front and center in our politics?
I am going to give a high compliment to the book by Dr. Karl Stegall of Montgomery. "An Amazing Alabama: A county-by-county journey around the great state of Alabama" is like something I would have written myself.
It was roughly seven years ago that events began which arguably got us where we are today: a kind of geo-political crossroads some have even labeled with those terrible three words, “World War III.”
The Pilgrims did not choose a communal living experiment; it was forced upon them just before their voyage.
A better bomb is terrifying. It's simple to understand, completely credible, and convincing. If a better bomb can’t save us, nothing can. Yet, despite hope in a better bomb, that indescribable stench remains.
My wife was right: you must have actual morals before you can have moral outrage, and what I see from this current administration tells me that they don’t qualify.
The divisiveness we are currently experiencing is only a magnified form of what the Founders called “faction.” More than disagreement, faction is the idea that people will inevitably use their voices pursuing differing goals in a representative government.
Time moves so fast, and life is precious. Fill it up with memories and not things.
It was simply that she was the only woman he ever loved. And after a few decades of marriage, she still is.
Hendrix’s win over Swayne was not about gender, sexual orientation, or race, but about Alabama values.
What was billed as an effort to make society fairer and more accepting turned into a licentious fiasco with no end in sight.
We need to support Israel and supply them with needed resources. But right now, Joe Biden and the Democrats are more interested in exploiting this crisis in Israel for their own purposes.
The latest COVID bombshell is the revelatory acknowledgement by Canada's FDA that the Pfizer shots are contaminated with ominous DNA strands that can quickly integrate into the human genome.
If it comes to picking an honorable, morally conscientious college over a hateful, prestigious university – it’s time to choose honor. What kind of people do we want our children to become in this world?
The Founders intended the House of Representatives to be the “People’s House.” But today, as the People number 330,000,000, the 435-seat House’s foundation is more strained than ever — its blueprint forgotten.
Israel is ground zero for this spiritual struggle, but really this is just the world rejecting God. This is the time for choosing.
A perennial problem with politics is that people in politics actually take themselves seriously. Politicians may act cynically, yet they are not quite cynical enough when it comes to their own political ambitions.
As the price tag for Alabama’s new prisons rapidly approaches $1 billion each, these costly prisons should make us consider how we make decisions about using corrections facilities.
For years, Biden said that anything Trump did was bad. He eschewed the very idea of building a wall. Lo and behold, he had an epiphany.
When are we going to realize that it is not the duty of the church to raise our children?