Rise to the Moment of Truth Monday, February 17, 2025

1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

School Lunch Tray Alabama News
Phil Williams: No free lunch

In a recent interview, RFK discussed changes to school lunches. He strikes me as a guy who will thread that needle between what kids need and what they want. RFK seems to know that fitness and good health are found in a mix of have-to and want-to.

Alabama political news aurelius Alabama News
Devin Foley: Gladiator emperor on the good life: Love God, love man

It’s fascinating to see both Christ and pagan emperors share the belief that to love God and to love man is the path to the good life.

Alabama political news tom jerry Alabama News
Annie Holmquist: How classic cartoons created a culturally literate generation

Neither schools, nor Saturday morning cartoons seem to be passing on the torch of cultural knowledge and literacy.

Alabama political news black family Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Why the left fears Frederick Douglass' liberty message

As we celebrate Black History Month, we should remember Douglass not just as a hero from the past, but as a role model for real freedom, hard work, and success – values that help people grow stronger and unite America.

Azbell photo Alabama News
RFK Jr. in Alabama: Wrote Alabama book, interviewed Gov. Wallace, lost and found beloved dog

New HHS Secretary RFK Jr. has two significant visits to Alabama. With Alabama having healthcare issues, he could be back here.

Alabama political news flip phone Alabama News
Sean of the South: Smart phone, dumb author

So I've bought a flip phone. I’m going to commit to using this phone for a month. Just to see what happens. I’ll probably fail after six minutes and resume an intimate relationship with an Apple device. But I’d like to see if I can rediscover my own life.

Alabama political news Trump Kennedy HHS Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: With Robert F. Kennedy as HHS secretary, Make 'Alabama' Healthy Again can become a reality

Three takeaways from Kennedy’s speech could be applied to our great state of Alabama, and everyone should take note of how a MAHA movement could transform and change the health trajectory of our citizens.

Alabama political news lonely Alabama News
Jeff Minick: The heart is a lonely hunter

Here are three things I’ve learned from my castaway life that are good to keep in mind if you’re one of the world’s lonely hearts. 

Scott Stadthagen (left), Marilyn Lands (right) Alabama News
Men reading to children dressed as Mother Goose: The world according to Marilyn Lands

State Rep. Marilyn Lands (D-Madison) shocked the Alabama political world last year by defeating Republican State House hopeful Teddy Powell by a landslide in a special election to fill a seat vacated by David Cole, who was forced to resign his seat after being sentenced for election fraud.

Woke lawyers Alabama News
Allen Mendenhall: The continuing DEI stronghold that is legal education

Digital vigilantes brook no clemency, academic tribunals subordinate truth to predetermined verdicts, and the machinery of cancellation serves not justice but raw power.

Alabama political news happy married couple Alabama News
Annie Holmquist: And the key to a happy marriage is…

While marital unhappiness is a common reason for divorce, it is almost entirely preventable.

Tommy Tuberville Alabama News
U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville: Pentagon reversal of DoD travel abortion policy

When I ran for U.S. Senate, I promised the people of Alabama that I would fight for them in Washington, D.C. Many Alabamians are enthusiastically pro-life and sent me to the U.S. Capitol with a clear message: every life is worth fighting for. 

Liberal mcaws Alabama News
Allen Keller: Why I am not a liberal

Modern liberalism is like a like a branch sawed from a tree, after which it falls to the ground, because it lost the trunk that held it up.  

hand pills drugs Alabama News
Col. Thomas Davis: Protect Alabamians from abusive PBM practices

Protect Alabama small businesses and jobs. Keep revenue in local communities instead of shipping it out of state to mail-order pharmacies.

Alabama political news school reading Alabama News
Jeff Minick: Getting serious about America's literacy time bomb

America's literacy problem won’t just magically fade. Given present circumstances, it is far more likely that it will only grow worse with the passage of time, with ramifications far beyond any economic considerations. 

Alabama political news kneeling Alabama News
Mark Tapson: Make sports apolitical again

Our country has a chance to take a new, healing direction. A good place to begin is by rolling back the unhealthy obsession with politicizing every arena of our private lives and public assemblies like sporting events.

Kent Davis, Kay Ivey Alabama News
Col. John Eidsmoe: 'Curiouser' dealings at the governor's office

It is the height of folly for a Republican governor to be at war with Alabama’s veterans.

Alabama political news ADVA Alabama News
Pete Riehm: Malicious intent or mediocre ignorance?

Gov. Ivey is bullying the legislature to rapidly ram through her legislation to abolish the State Board of Veterans Affairs (SBVA) and completely overhaul the Alabama Department of Veteran Affairs (ADVA).

ADVA Alabama News
Ashlie Combs: What does the future of Alabama's military, veterans and their dependents look like?

Since 2017, our Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs (ADVA) program has tirelessly improved the quality of life in our veterans’ community. The question is, will that continue after the 2025 Alabama Legislature session? 

Elon Musk Alabama News
Joey Clark: Elon Musk is probably better than you — Here's why

Not even Musk’s accomplishments can necessarily account for his elevated rank. No, I suspect the seed of Musk’s success and status is his willingness to fail while braving darkness.

Alabama political news prayer time Alabama News
Annie Holmquist: The simplest – but most overlooked – way to renew our culture

If we want to ensure that our leaders remain good, pursuing righteous policies for our nation, then one of the simplest things we can do is get on our knees every day and pray for them.

DOE Alabama News
Leland Whaley: We are closing the factory in D.C.

Washington is a factory that produces nothing – unless you consider bad trade deals, reckless spending, unsustainable debt, insider dealing, kickbacks, pay-to-play political contributions, and choking regulations to be products. 

Alabama political news climbing mountain Alabama News
Phil Williams: If it were easy, everyone would do it

Stories are not told in reverent tones of those who sat idly by. History will look back on this time and take note if we squander this victory by staying comfortable.

Magic_City_Acceptance_Acadamy_Groundbreaking Alabama News
Apryl Marie Fogel: 5 myths about opposition to Magic City Acceptance Academy

Just because someone points out the problems with a school doesn't mean that person hates the students and teachers.

Alabama political news anxiety Alabama News
Devin Foley: Anxiety – here's why so many of us have it

In the past, while people may have been living harder lives, they often were far more content. So what changed in our times to bring about a near universal state of anxiety?

Alabama political news Lee monument Alabama News
Jeff Minick: Kill nuance and you breed stupidity

JD Vance's recent resurrection of Robert E. Lee brings this national hero's virtues to the forefront once again.

Alabama political news bubble kids Alabama News
Dr. Barry Nowlin: Alabama's 'bubble children'

Rather than reveal that some third-grade students had “fallen through the cracks,” State Superintendent of Schools Dr. Eric Mackey euphemistically portrayed these students’ situation as “on the bubble.” 

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