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Rise to the Moment of Truth Sunday, October 27, 2024

1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

Alabama political news frat boys Alabama News
Kristin Landers: Some heroes wear Vineyard Vines

Who had fraternity brothers guarding the American flag on their May bingo card? No one? Surprisingly, me neither.

valkyrie Alabama News
Col. John Eidsmoe: A message for our time in Wagner’s 'Valkyrie'

“Die Walküre” is rooted in pagan mythology. But mythology sometimes conveys timeless truths, “echoes of Eden” reverberating through time since the Fall, or general revelation, the law of nature.

Ethics commission Alabama News
Alabama Ethics Commission: An open letter to the people of the State of Alabama

Those who support this bill say that it makes the Ethics laws “better,” but it doesn’t make it better for YOU. This bill was created by politicians for politicians.

Alabama political news trans bathroom Alabama News
State Rep. Susan DuBose and Paula Scanlan: You know what a woman is, so let's make sure our laws do, too

Alabama parents do not share the Biden administration’s goal of creating a society where biological sex is replaced with “gender identity” in our schools or in our daily lives.

Alabama political news social media Alabama News
Joey Clark: Sen. Katie Britt wants your kids off social media

I do not question the motives of lawmakers hoping to tackle this generational challenge. A new generation of young parents on Capitol Hill like Britt will have their say. The debate will no doubt continue, and I am willing to hear them out, as will the courts.  

Alabama political news border patrol Alabama News
Will Sellers: Discrimination's diversity

One hundred years ago, Congress passed – and President Calvin Coolidge signed – a new immigration bill. While relatively uncontroversial in the United States, the Act had a global impact. 

college palestine protests Alabama News
Phil Williams: Pearl-clutching and hand-wringing on college campuses

Crisis is never avoided by dithering. Yet that’s exactly what is happening as student activists and outside agitators take over campus grounds and facilities.

Emp us Alabama News
Jim Zeigler: Preventive steps in Alabama against an EMP explosion

'Grid Security' meeting about preventing an electromagnetic pulse explosion. Enterprise, May 7, 6:30 p.m. at Wiregrass Outdoors.

biden harris Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Joe Biden – worst president ever?

Accountability must extend beyond Harris and include President Biden because Harris is merely executing the destructive policies of her boss. The buck doesn't stop with the VP; it stops at the desk of the president. 

Alabama political news unc flag Alabama News
Ashley Carter: Our flag was still there

It’s an understatement to say there has been some unnecessary rioting going on around several college campuses lately.

Alabama political news schoolhouse Alabama News
Jennifer Wolverton: It’s time to disrupt education, Alabama

I think Alabama is ready for disruption. This isn't about minor adjustments to existing curriculum, but a revolutionary shift catapulting the education of American children to a new level.

Alabama political news ice cream Alabama News
Sean of the South: Working nine to five

I don’t know much of anything. But I will tell you this: Find a way to help other people. For I am convinced, wholeheartedly, this is the only path to happiness. And if that doesn’t work, you can always try ice cream.

Alabama political news doubt Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: It's time to stop sowing seeds of doubt

Parents, you, not today's experts, are exactly who God wants to lead your kids. He will give you what you need when you need it. 

Alabama political news country music Alabama News
Nick Treglia: Country is cool when it returns to its roots

The increased attention paid to country, in general, is bringing more truly traditional country artists widespread appeal.

Alabama political news power fist Alabama News
Allen Keller: When all that’s left is relativism, power rules the day

When all that’s left is relativism, power rules the day. At least for now, it seems that this is the world we live in. May it not last forever.    

Biden Alabama News
Talmadge Butts: The Biden administration’s Ministry of Truth

The Biden administration hasn’t allowed a trivial impediment such as a law prevent them from shaping the public discourse.

Alabama political news national lampoon Alabama News
Joey Clark: Vote for me or my opponent will kill this dog

Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem may or may not have made a mistake when she killed her failed hunting dog, Cricket, but Noem definitely made a mistake telling the political world about it.  

Alabama political news student loan Alabama News
Allen Harris: Hankering for accountability on student loans

Is President Biden’s regurgitated plan to eliminate student loan repayments for real? Ostensibly so. 

Alabama political news truman show Alabama News
Phil Williams: The surveillance state

Renewal of FISA for two more years gives U.S. intelligence agencies the means to surveil Americans without a warrant.

Alabama political news taylor swift 2 Alabama News
Ashley Carter: Taylor Swift – second verse, same as the first

Listening to Taylor Swift's new album only strengthened my opinion that Swift is not a role model for our young girls.

Alabama Capitol Alabama News
Charles Kiplinger: Are our elected officials truly representing us?

The elected legislator is supposed to be the voice of the people, but what if you can't get in touch with that elected voice?

Alabama political news tornado damage Alabama News
Kaitlyn Smith: Tornadoes in The Valley – remembering April 27, 2011

Those of us residing in the Deep South learned what a tornado outbreak meant: 63 tornadoes on the ground, many simultaneously with others, causing the loss of 252 lives.

Alabama political news dog park Alabama News
Sean of the South: A walk in the dog park

The more I learn about people, the more I like my dogs.

Alabama political news AL abortion ad Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: Shouting for life during Abortion Recovery Awareness Month

The Democrats have glitzy ads and media buys telling lies about Alabama and its stance for life. It is up to Wahl, our elected officials, and others with a media presence to combat those lies and tout the resources and outreach done through the pro-life movement.

Alabama political news megachurch Alabama News
Laura Clark: What’s the difference between your faith and your personal preference?

What is the difference between the modern church and a community center with a shared mission? If you’re the average American, the answer is, sadly, nothing.

Alabama political news uaw Alabama News
House Speaker Nathaniel Ledbetter: A history lesson on the UAW

The UAW's leadership wants us to believe it has a legacy of fighting for auto workers. The truth is it has a legacy of corruption, destruction and usury. 

Alabama political news star wars Alabama News
Kristin Landers: Trading liberty for security

It's time for our congressional representatives and the Biden administration to stop selling the American people down the river.

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