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Rise to the Moment of Truth Sunday, October 6, 2024

1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

Border Alabama News
Rep. Dale Strong: Mayorkas' border invasion shows his disdain for the American people

The solution is simple. We need to finish the wall, send illegal aliens back to the countries they came from, and end the Mexican cartel’s reign of terror at the southern border. It’s time to put America first.

Upside Down World Alabama News
Joey Clark: An upside down world is nothing new to men of the West

Look outside your window at the topsy-turvy wide world, and I swear you’ll see waterfalls flowing upwards. The question in such an upside-down world is: Will you go with the backwards flow or set out to restore the world to its proper place? 

Constitution American Flag theusconstitution org Alabama News
Kristin Landers: Clowns, jokers and We the People

We the People who love freedom, crave better economic times and still believe our children can have a good future in this nation have about 13 months to get it together behind someone we think can right this sinking ship.

Chilling Effect Alabama News
Phil Williams: 'The Big Chill'

We cannot become the dog that fears the mere possibility of the shock even when the power is off. Know your rights.

Unisphere Alabama News
Randy Tatano: Bring back the World’s Fair

Since Congress loves wasting cash on useless stuff, why not blow a billion or 10 on something unique that Americans can actually enjoy for our tax dollars?

Constitution 2 Alabama News
Justice Jay Mitchell: Preserving the timeless tenets of our founding on Constitution Day

This Constitution Day, let's take a moment to celebrate originalism! Through its respect for the original meaning of our founding document, this approach upholds the rule of law, preserves popular sovereignty, secures individual liberties, and promotes stability in our legal system.

Army Alabama News
Ashley Carter: Gone are the days of cops and robbers, and by all means, don’t get out the green army men!

No wonder we have weaker churches, families and military! It has nothing to do with any holds that U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville is doing. No, it is because we are raising feminized young men to fit our woke narrative.

Kid on Phone Alabama News
Sean of the South: Hold the phone

He is playing on his phone when he asks, “What was it like before smartphones?”

School Children Alabama News
Jennifer Wolverton: A futuristic look at Huntsville, the education prototype

In 2043, as the sun set over the Rocket City, its people looked back on the past two decades with pride. They transformed their community into a place where every child's dreams could take flight.

Baby Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O’Connell: Alabama is holding the line on how to fight for life

I am immensely proud of my newly adopted state of Alabama for how it is holding the line on protecting the unborn and keeping the focus on creating a culture of life.

Argument Alabama News
Nick Treglia: The problem is not civility

I am not saying people cannot disagree, but for any nation to survive, its people must share some values that serve as the foundation of society and can be appealed to and respected.

Online Alabama News
Lauren DeMoss Benson: What ever happened to manners in the Wild West of technology?

If it is true that we all make our own rules of conduct on the internet, make your rules now. Determine that you and your family will act with respect and kindness toward others online.

AL Flag Alabama News
Col. John Eidsmoe: The Supremacy Clause – but supreme over what?

Alabama’s State Motto is “Audemus jura nostra defendere” – “We dare defend our rights.” Or have we amended our motto to read, “We dare defend our rights, unless a federal judge tells us we shouldn’t?" 

Pledge of Allegiance Alabama News
Joey Clark: 'Equity and justice for all' will leave us unequal and unfree

Those who would trade essential liberty for hollow promises of equity will receive neither liberty nor equity in the end.

Alabama Governor Mansion bobvila com Alabama News
Phil Williams: We need a God-fearing gunslinger for governor

Having just endured the past few years of COVID, Biden, Afghanistan, BLM riots and more, I find myself modeling in my mind what I know we need and deserve in the governor’s office.

Marxism Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Defeating Marxism through principles of the past

Defeating Marxism requires more than just political opposition; it requires a deep comprehension of the fundamental principles underlying our conservative convictions and the skill to express these values in an engaging manner.

Heavy Alabama News
Ashley Carter: When life feels heavy

We all carry different loads. We are all on different life journeys. Thus, learning to set our heavy loads down and stop to soak in life can sometimes seem like more of a chore than just lugging those burdens along with us.

Okay Alabama News
Sean of the South: Okay

Hundreds of years ago, when Choctaw Indians still lived on the Gulf Coast of Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi, they had a word in their language. It was a short word: Okeh.

Books2 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Stop giving the green light to blue material

Recently, adults gave the green light to blue material. It's happened repeatedly in Alabama, but Prattville is the only place elected officials have shaken hands with what's wicked.

Country Church Alabama News
Laura Clark: A shield for the church against a hostile world

The church has always been controversial in the world. If it isn’t, it ceases to be the Bride of Christ. And in this increasingly litigious and tolerance- or acceptance-happy society, the church is in a battle.

Clean Water Alabama News
Allen Keller: Clean water from a dirty well

Many voters want better leaders, but instead of voting for this, they’re happy to be bought off by those they think will give them something.

1819 Erica Alabama News
Erica Thomas talks young people making waves in Alabama politics on FM Talk 1065

Listen to 1819 News Editor at Large Erica Thomas on "Midday Mobile" with Sean Sullivan as they discuss young people who are making waves in Alabama politics, Jimmy Buffett and more.

Ultrasound Alabama News
Col. John Eidsmoe: A federal abortion ban? Maybe...

Alabama already has the best abortion law in the nation, but let’s ramp it up.

Yew Alabama News
Justice Will Sellers: Remembering the life and legacy of Lee Kuan Yew

Meet Lee Kuan Yew, who would have been 100 this month. A visionary leader who contemplated a greatness for his country that few could imagine, he refused to accept the low expectations of his peoples' capabilities, embarking on a mission of almost unachievable goals.

Anarchy Alabama News
Joey Clark: Anarchy is the rule, not the exception

Men are quite bad at ruling and being ruled, yet they continue giving it a go.

Voting Machines Alabama News
Charles Kiplinger: The forgotten review

I have heard it said that there isn’t just one election in Alabama but 67, and I am beginning to believe that is true. 

Prayer Alabama News
Phil Williams: The war on Christian patriots

Christian Nationalism? Sure. If you need a label to put on someone who loves the Lord and loves America and believes that the two go well together, go ahead, label me that. Guilty as charged.

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