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Rise to the Moment of Truth Monday, October 28, 2024

1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

Trans Parade Alabama News
Katrinnah Darden: The cracks in modern gender ideology that VCAP will illuminate

Gender ideology claims that the science is settled and that dysphoric youth shouldn’t try to re-align their gender identity with the body they were born in.

ARMY2 Alabama News
Joey Clark: The Army's excuse for recruitment failures? Too many fat, stupid, drug-addicted bigots

The U.S. Army would rather frame their victory for diversity as a failure in recruitment – one due to a wicked mix of pathologies in the white male population of the United States.  

Computer Screen Alabama News
State Rep. Matt Woods: It's time to combat AI-generated child porn in our state

We must send a crystal-clear message that child sexual abuse material, in all its forms, will not be tolerated in Alabama.

Dodge Challenger Alabama News
Phil Williams: The legend of the Black Ghost

Early in 1970, a black Dodge Challenger showed up. The locals began calling it the Wraith of Woodward, and eventually just called it the Black Ghost.

Illegal immigration border crossing Alabama News
U.S. Rep. Barry Moore: No security, no funding

We may have entered a new year, but we’re dealing with the same Washington, D.C. swamp.

Saban2 Alabama News
Ashley Carter: The final fourth quarter for Coach Nick Saban

In true Nick Saban fashion, he will still be watching over the Alabama players. The game won’t stop just because Saban moved his office down the hall instead of being on the field.

German Protest Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: The coming revolution?

Election season is upon us. Alabama, it's not if. It's when and it’s where. 

Saban Alabama News
Sean of the South: Goodbye Nick

Goodbye, Nick Saban. You just announced your retirement. I don’t mind telling you that I cried into my Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Parent Protection Alabama News
Laura Clark: The parental uprising

Every once in a while the culture is defined by the strength of a group of people. This is such a time.

AEA Alabama News
Kristin Landers: The good, the bad and the crazy in Alabama education

As crazy as you thought the state of Alabama could be, it got crazier over the holidays, particularly in the education sector. The few states ranked below us in education must be pleased. 

Laundry man Alabama News
Book review: ‘Laundry Man,’ by Mobile’s David J. Cooper; Novel spans four generations of a Southern family

Mobile business leader David J. Cooper has been successful in the stevedoring business and in the restaurant business, which he tellingly calls “the hospitality business.”

free speech Alabama News
Talmadge Butts: Don’t tread on memes – Douglass Mackey and free speech in America

Douglass Mackey began posting about politics and his support for Trump via a pseudonymous Twitter account. Today, however, he is facing seven months in federal prison and a hefty fine.

Propaganda Alabama News
Joey Clark: 7 lessons for detaching from political propaganda in 2024

Cherish your sanity and life outside of your political opinions. Try to enjoy Freak Show 2024 without taking it all too seriously!

Lenin Alabama News
Justice Will Sellers: Lessons from the death of a tyrant

Vladimir Lenin died 100 years ago this month. An unlikely revolutionary, Lenin’s story was not one of meager beginnings or social depravation. He came from a family of means that had little connection with the proletariat he came to champion.

Peyton Manning Alabama News
Phil Williams: The opt-out is a cop-out

The idea of being with his team was all it took for one of the greatest players in football history to stay on.

New Year Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Resolving to fail in 2024

Yes, you read that correctly – my New Year's resolution is to fail as much as I possibly can.

Nikki Haley Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: Trump should choose his VP wisely

The long knives have come out for former U.N. Ambassador and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley due to her recent surge in the polls.

Taylor Swift2 Alabama News
Ashley Carter: Taylor Swift is not the role model you want your daughter to emulate

Is such a lifestyle as Swift is leading truly what you aspire for yourself or your daughters, or is this the type of girl you would want your son to look at as a potential wife?

electronic gambling Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: A gambling rebuttal

A recent opinion piece in Yellowhammer News encouraged legislators to force yet another vote on legalizing gambling in Alabama. I'd like to rebut a few of the points made in that piece.

Resolutions Alabama News
Sean of the South: A few resolutions

I’m making changes this year. Little changes. The big changes never last. It’s little ones that stick.

COVID vaccine Alabama News
Dr. Stewart Tankersley: Where is the Alabama leadership to protect us against our tyrannical ‘health authorities?’

The recent call from Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo to halt the COVID shots is a belated, yet wonderful, New Year's gift to all. 

Dumber Alabama News
Nick Treglia: Are people getting dumber-er?

If you want a glimpse into America’s potential low-IQ future, look no further than our local, state, and federal governments. For unknown reasons, those ivory-colored halls of power have always attracted Americans of lesser intelligence.

Katie Britt Alabama News
U.S. Sen. Katie Britt: After the crises of the last year, 2024 offers hope

This week marked the one-year anniversary of my swearing-in to the United States Senate, capping a whirlwind 12 months of work on behalf of Alabamians.

Vaping, vape, e-cigarette Alabama News
Jim Zeigler: Tough steps needed on illegal vapes, e-cigarettes

Most Americans and all news media are aware of the invasion of the United States at our southern border. There is a second invasion that is not on many radar screens. It is an attack on America’s youth by foreigners, mostly Red Chinese.

Food Disinterest Alabama News
Allen Keller: Finding meaning in our hearts

We seem a people steeped in traditions that we no longer really understand. We go through mere motions (just as I was when eating without tasting) without sensing our activity’s true essence.

North Shelby Library Pride display. Alabama News
Col. John Eidsmoe: The real censors in the Alabama library battle

In the war of ideas, the battle for the minds of men, the library is a central field of conflict, because the library is a repository of ideas. 

Schoolhouse Alabama News
Jennifer Wolverton: How microschool franchises offer new paths for teachers and parents

Microschools exemplify a future where education is custom fit to every child's needs, fostering environments where curiosity, collaboration, and personal growth are paramount.

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