Allowing the UAW to gain a foothold in Alabama would undermine this principle, putting the prosperity that our state has worked so hard to achieve in jeopardy.
The next step in ensuring Alabama elections are the most secure elections in the country is the outlawing of ranked-choice voting.
A recent tragic murder in Chicago should raise red flags right here in Alabama.
An innovation district is a concentrated geographic area where businesses and academia collaborate toward a common economic goal. While that might sound good on paper, in practice, it could have dire consequences, particularly when the government gets involved.
The battle for preborn life did not culminate with the Dobbs v. Jackson decision. It now enters an intensified stage – the battle for the hearts and minds and souls of men.
There’s growing outcry among parents and grandparents in the United States against entities threatening the innocence and well-being of children. Parents are particularly sick and tired of technology companies and the pornography industry pursuing impressionable children as a profit target.
Protecting employees and prohibiting taxpayer resources from subsidizing workplace coercion should be a top priority.
Am I the only one who finds the never-ending, feckless fussing over corruption in politics to be an utter waste of the public’s time, money, and energy?
How are drag queens any different than Joe Camel selling cigarettes?
I wrote this column in response to an open letter to Senator Katie Britt that was published in 1819 News on April 12.
This year, I’m especially enjoying seeing my grandson, Parker, run across the field to meet his papa and I, seeking to lend a hand. It’s one of the best feelings ever.
Someone once told me that tomorrow is a day with no mistakes in it.
There aren't many things that are as important to an employer – no matter the size of the company – as being able to offer competitive, affordable health benefits. Today's labor market is competitive, and if a business isn't able to do its part by ensuring their employees and their families have access to high-quality healthcare coverage that doesn't break the bank, you can expect us to lose out on top talent.
Reading these works aloud at every possible opportunity and exposing the filth is the only way to make parents aware of the dangers, and to protect the children at whom they are targeted.
Dear Sen. Katie Britt: On behalf of the North Central Alabama Republican Assembly, I must say we are extremely disappointed in you for voting YES on the recent spending bill.
I used to think Alabama was a state where kids could be kids, but it looks like we could use some sage wisdom from that big dancing rat at Chuck E. Cheese right now.
As a member of the Alabama Ethics Commission, I have let down the people I serve by ignoring sound biblical counsel of maintaining self-control, of being quick to hear and slow to anger, and of esteeming others higher than myself.
Multiple states that have legalized sports betting are now curtailing or regretting it due to the mental health consequences for adolescent men.
In the United States, the brunt of speech restrictions have come from the mainstream media and social media companies, with companies like Google taking action to censor any content about the Russo-Ukrainian War that does not comport with their guidelines.
Sir, when you spout the conventional Beltway foreign policy wisdom on Ukraine, I, like millions of my fellow Americans, do not believe you anymore.
I was elected to the Alabama House of Representatives in 2006. I have served District 66 for the last 18 years and am proud to consider myself an advocate for public education. Each session is different from the last, but one issue that almost always seems to come around session after session is gaming.
The UAW is selling snake oil to hardworking Alabamians employed at auto manufacturing plants in an attempt to fleece money from the pockets of good people.
DEI still needs to DIE, and while it remains a battle in other places, I am nonetheless pleased that we are taking the high ground here in the Yellowhammer State.
Our state needs to simplify our ethics rules to create more clarity to empower researchers, not restrict them.
As the Alabama State Senate takes up the House’s gambling legislation, one thought comes to mind: What are our state legislators thinking?!
According to Kennedy, Biden stands out as the first American president to "weaponize" the agencies of the U.S. federal government against his political adversaries.
Why would the Biden Administration antagonize Christians in an election year?