In the week since the announcement of Walz as Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate pick, Walz’s verbal “witticisms” have become a regular part of his campaign schtick.
Football season is upon us. But ever since the Supreme Court ruled that student-athletes can make money, college sports have been in a tailspin.
There are election phenomena for those willing to see them.
We call the 10 Commandments the moral foundation of law because they summarize the basic principles upon which Western law is built.
ChatGPT: As of now, Donald Trump has not been shot. If you're referencing a rumor or something from the news, it might be misinformation.
The British government is cracking down on its citizens – not for crimes, but for thoughts and opinions. Are we next in line for this biggest of big government pressure?
What we have hoped for all along – for The Hilltop to remain a site of higher education – appears to be another betrayed dream doomed to become another waking nightmare for the BSC faithful.
There will be times when it’s appropriate to be bold. There will be times when nothing works, and we offend even when we try not to. But our job is to keep our light shining.
I could not understand what he was saying, per the impediment. The cashiers had decided, apparently, to ignore him. This had to be embarrassing, but it never stopped the kid from trying.
Remember that Tuskegee, with her exquisite cruelties, wasn't a one-off. It was a warm-up.
With leadership comes responsibilities, and with responsibility comes duty. Unfortunately, those in leadership positions in our culture (from parents to those in the pulpits or podiums) have forgotten their primary duty all too often.
We aren't living under a Democracy or a Republic; instead, we live in an oligarchy.
While Americans struggle with the disastrous effects of an effectively non-existent border under the Biden administration, our friends across the pond in the United Kingdom are struggling with their own immigration woes.
When you ponder the upcoming election, instead of perseverating on personalities, consider policies. We are down to gut-level questions.
If you’re an individualist willing to enjoy the spectacle of folly arising every election season, but still find your conscience troubled by your electoral choices, allow me to give advice on how to vote for both presidential nominees, legally.
An Englishman named Joseph Priestley made a discovery 250 years ago that marked the beginning of modern chemistry. It continues to have important ramifications today.
Division is the devil’s game. It’s what he does. It’s who he is. We are not that.
All microschools are facing unique challenges when interviewing potential professionals. The traditional professionals serving schools or daycare centers don’t quite fit because our industry is an amalgamation of various educational models.
Let us rise to the challenge and safeguard the freedoms that define us as a nation. Stand up, and Fight, Fight, Fight!
The presidential race doesn't have to be tight if conservatives rebrand themselves.
If you ask me, I think we all need to start treating people with a little sugar instead of behaving like a bunch of giant aspartames.
That our federal government no longer works to protect our treasured heritage of girlhood and womanhood is a travesty. But this election will reflect just how much the American people accept this mentality or reject it outright.
On Aug. 1, 2024, just before the U.S. elections, a deal is brokered by the previously weak Biden-Harris administration. How convenient.
As we shield our eyes from the atrocities of a culture that treats children of early development as political bargaining pieces, will history look back on us like the people of Weimar who said, “We didn’t know?"
I’m going to boycott the Olympics not for some greater movement, but for the sake of my own family.
If we live in an Apollonian-Dionysian world, then the Dionysian side is winning, and this isn’t good.
Congress could amend Title IX, but they have not done so. The Biden administration effectively amended Title IX by adding what Congress in 1972 did not enact and did not intend. In so doing, the Biden administration exceeded its powers under the Constitution, usurping the powers of Congress.