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Rise to the Moment of Truth Sunday, October 27, 2024

1819 News Opinion
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National American Miss Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: The body positivity movement lost the point and people are losing their lives

Ten years ago, the body positivity movement was about crafting a fitness lifestyle that was not dictated by one’s body size or type.

birmingham-southern college Alabama News
Conner Hayes: Birmingham-Southern College's fatal fire sale

BSC has already failed. It isn’t coming back. What is selling off the physical remnants of the place going to do for anyone? 

Alabama political news george washington Alabama News
Allen Keller: A Father's Day message from the father of our country

The 10 Commandments tell us to honor our fathers and mothers. If it’s beneficial to honor our parents, then it surely must also be so to grant such respect to the father of our nation?

COVID vaccine Alabama News
Dr. Stewart Tankersley: More truths emerge to erode COVID lies

The hubris of those in charge the past four-plus years has been epic, and we continue to exist in the deadly game they created. Thankfully, recent weeks have seen their seemingly impenetrable barricade of lies erode.

Bump Stock Alabama News
Talmadge Butts: Bump stocks may be legal again, but the ATF has declared open season on gun hobbyists

If you are a Second Amendment supporter and gun enthusiast, you may feel some whiplash from recent news.

Trump v. Biden Alabama News
Joey Clark: Seven ways politicians avoid responsibility

Politicians are more than happy to take credit for anything good under the sun, but they eschew any responsibility when their name is to blame.

Alabama political news rainbow road Alabama News
Phil Williams: Entrapment on the rainbow road

Every so-called “progressive” city that paints a rainbow in the street knows exactly what will happen. They expect it. They want it. They need it.

protest DEi Alabama News
Riley McArdle: Where’s the outrage as major colleges ban DEI?

Alabama's DEI bill for universities was met with great outrage. But now that schools like Harvard and MIT are dropping DEI policies the outrage seems to have disappeared.

Alabama political news slavery Alabama News
KCarl Smith: You won't believe what I heard

How can these black conservatives assert that slavery wasn't bad when they never experienced it themselves?

fathers day Alabama News
Jim Zeigler: Fathers' lives matter

Dads matter — to the family and to society.

Alabama political news father Alabama News
Ashley Carter: Expressing gratitude to the patriarchs of my family

Dad, “thank you” will never be enough!

Alabama political news medicare Alabama News
John Rice: Broken promises and the Inflation Reduction Act's impact on Alabama's seniors

In 2022, President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), promising it would lower Medicare costs for seniors. But for Alabama's seniors, the reality has been far different.

kenneth gulley randall woodfin Alabama News
Jim Zeigler: Two Alabama Democrat cities in national top 5 for crime

Bessemer and Birmingham are in the top five cities in crime.

Alabama political news old man Alabama News
Sean of the South: O, brother

Dan Lovette became an usher at the Baptist church on Easter Sunday, March 26th, 1961. He stood at the door shaking hands, passing out bulletins. Nobody knew Dan.

Birmingham Police Department Crime Scene Unit by Erica Thomas Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Wielding the sword

The job of the state is to establish order and security, wield the sword and protect her residents' safety.

Jihad Alabama News
Jim Zeigler: Middle East expert warns we are in World War III — Islamic Jihad vs. Western world

Mideast expert Aaron Fruh told GOP women: We are in WWIII. Radical Islamics vs the rest of the world.

State Senate Pro-Tem Greg Reed (R-Jasper) Alabama News
Pro Tem Reed: Alabama Senate delivered on conservative priorities in 2024 legislative session

The Alabama Senate focused on delivering actual results that would continue to make Alabama the best state in the country to live, work and raise a family. 

Zeiglerflag1 Alabama News
Jim Zeigler: Flag Day, the almost forgotten holiday

June 14 is Flag Day, an almost forgotten holiday.

Alabama political news lawfare Alabama News
Laura Clark: All's fair in law and politics

The solution for political opponents today is to attack each other for things unrelated to political stance in order to take them out of the public discourse.

Alabama political news birthday Alabama News
Kristin Landers: June is Celebrate Life month

June is now officially “Life Month.” And all the glory goes to God.

Alabama political news ukraine Alabama News
Col. John Eidsmoe: A reflection on Ukraine

I had high hopes for Ukraine. And I still do.

Alabama political news space Alabama News
Joey Clark: It was never just ‘Whitey on the Moon’

It was never just whitey on the moon. The efforts of the Apollo space program helped clear the way for all to join in the impossible dream of becoming a spacefaring species by braving the unknown.  

Alabama political news d day Alabama News
Phil Williams: Day of Days

D-Day. The day they saved the world.

Prayer, faith Alabama News
Charles Kiplinger: Grassroots groups rise up in prayer for our nation

Additional prayer vigils are planned throughout the North Central Alabama area this summer.

Alabama political news gathering eggs Alabama News
Ashley Carter: Watching our grandson learn to raise chickens

Being able to watch Parker learn to raise chickens has been a joyous journey filled with laughter, learning, lots of patience and much love.

Alabama political news flowers Alabama News
Sean of the South: Little sister

My sister and I grew up hard. It wasn’t the kind of childhood depicted in Hallmark Channel movies.

Alabama political news debanking Alabama News
State Auditor Sorrell: I was debanked for political reasons — That shouldn't happen to anyone in Alabama

Over the past few years, there has been an uptick in politicized “debanking,” a tactic that the activist Wall Street crowd uses to harass, silence or blacklist individuals and organizations that don’t align with their narrow woke political agenda.

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